Thanks, do you reckon, based on the difficulty of both exams as compared to 2011, that my scaled marks so far are similar to 181/200 or maybe higher by any chance?
Any approximations of what 48/50 in 3u maths and 92 in biology scales to? My actual exam marks were 48/50 and 91 respective. Raw mark for 3u is most likely 59/70 and no clue with bio. Just by comparing these exams to previous HSC exams, any educated guesses?
Yes you can, a friend of mine did all the humanities subjects and advanced english but got mid to high 90's in them (english she got 90) and her ATAR was a mid 98. Just go hard on your subs, if you chose them, you should like them.
My subs are 4u Maths, Chem and Advanced English to complete my HSC next year.
Already did Biology (92%), 3u Maths (48/50, 96%) and 2u Maths (98% and came 20th in the state).
ATAR aim 99.5 and wanna do Medicine in Uni.
All the best 2014 students!