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  1. M

    How to improve English essays???

    I mean if you're unwilling to pay for essay marking it's definitely tricky as you could imagine even asking a friend in a higher class to mark your essay might require some form of compensation... If you're worried that your teacher is not giving thorough feedback and teaching you how to apply...
  2. M

    Module B Critical Readings - Speeches

    Not from memory, you just have to get the context right as to what is the purpose of the speech, who is the audience, how does the orator use rhetoric to further his/her points. I managed to get a 19/20 for my speeches essay without the need for critical material. BUT, if you really want to...
  3. M

    Should I drop a subject?

    I dropped business studies to get down to 11 units even though I was coming 2nd in the course. I just realised with my subjects I would do a lot better having 1 less subject to worry about + more study time. You might have already made your decision by now, but I guess for future reference or...
  4. M

    How much should I study over the holidays?

    Honestly, if your going into Year 12 you probably could get away with using the time after new years (Jan - Feb) getting everything organised for Term 1. This could include catching up on notes, revising chapters and redoing questions or simply trying to learn ahead. Either way, after new years...
  5. M

    Related Texts???

    Oh my, I wish this website gave better notifications... If you're still wondering how to use the text the goal is to apply the idea that the protagonist in the poem is subjected to political ideologies. If you're looking at some sort of comparison between the two texts, your probably going to...
  6. M

    Am I missing out on life?Things to do before leaving highschool

    Highschool for me was all about improving my academics and my marks so my whole life was consumed with study and I didn't regret that one bit. I did some extra-curricular stuff like debating, sports and did some after school activities but that was because my school and my situation allowed for...
  7. M

    How many hows of tutoring?

    I personally did 4 hours for maths 2 hours for english. Was definitely enough to cover everything I needed so I could go home and do practice and stay on top of school work. 2 hours for 3U , 2 hours for 4U and 2 hours for English. But to be honest, you should be studying way more than you...
  8. M

    Module B?

    Yep they can, in fact they can specify for all Mod B texts. If you do something like Hamlet they could get an extract, whereas poems and speeches may be a specific text.
  9. M

    How do you make your own curveball essay questions

    Look at the rubric for AOS discovery and write an essay to any of the key sentences. For the other modules focus on themes or aims of the rubric.
  10. M

    HOW many pages per essay?

    try aim for 2 full booklets which is about 6 pages. If you're a slow writer then 1 booklet + 2 pages into the second booklet is pretty decent still.
  11. M

    do you need to include act and scene for shakespeare quotes?

    I wouldn't include them forcefully, but if you had a chance at the start of the paragraph to say you were drawing on the changes of 'x' character in Act 'x' scene 'x' contrasted against Act 'x' then that could help with your structure.
  12. M

    AOS Essay: THE TEMPEST Question

    it's quite common to go either Prospero and Miranda or Miranda and Ferdinand based on their relationships. If you wanted to have Miranda in a paragraph on her own it would definitely be very tricky as all her scenes are usually paired with those two characters.
  13. M

    One character per paragraph?

    It's quite common to focus one whole paragraph on Prospero and then the other on the other characters. Nothing really limits you though with how many characters you explore.
  14. M


    I'd recommend go in with 2 extra texts and remember 1 extra paragraph on one of them. That way you're prepared if they ask: ONE text only, at least ONE, or TWO texts.
  15. M

    Quick question regarding section 1 in paper 1

    usually when they talk about the aspects of discovery they might be talking about the emotional, creative, intellectual, physical and spiritual impacts of discovery. when they talk about the concepts this could be stuff like rediscovery, self discovery, etc. But to be honest they are really...
  16. M

    Anyone in the past use a stimulus booklet text as a related?

    You could definitely get away with doing the poem or image from the comprehension exam since they would give the whole text at times. If you're worried about being deducted marks that's pretty unlikely just because of text choice. You might lose marks by having bad analysis though, seeing as...
  17. M

    Going into year 12. Does rank or mark matter more? Please help...

    Usually the school you go to might be an indicator if they are setting hard exams. In all honesty though getting a good rank is still good no matter the school as you do place yourself in a good spot comparative to everyone else. Although, if your worried about your ability, you should...
  18. M

    Do we need to revise our Prelim Notes for the HSC or just Year 12 Notes?

    Maths especially is something you want to know the preliminary content for. With your other subjects a lot of them usually cover the Year 11 topic again in Year 12 as this was somewhat the case for Legal Studies and Economics. Usually, your Year 12 'notes' should cover a lot of your year 11...
  19. M

    Year 11 --> 12 question

    Very unlikely to be honest, every course has a preliminary component and a HSC component. If your school is willing to make special considerations though it'll be best to ask the Head of that department directly to see what they can do for you.
  20. M

    Dropping To 11 Units For The HSC!!??

    Definitely do it, even if it doesn't end up counting you usually do extension units because you're interested in it anyway so you won't be wasting any of your time. I did 11 units and my ext. english didn't count but I still appreciate the fact that I had that skill + the course was pretty...