fuark bro thats expensive but then again it does have that "world gym" title from america,,,,,my local gym is hardcore gym at rockdale only 50 buks a month.....$140/3 months :D
u rkn the owner is that stupid that he wouldnt somehow manipulate his i.p adress or something to divert it to another location or something? if it was taht easy why isn't he caught yet? + since alot of people have been ripped of a description could be given to the news ...makes it alot easier...
That is true, but if you have seen the person you can give a description to the police which will help the case....atm what are these students evidence just a website? the names the "owner" gave is probably wrong so no leads there and its just a website no other leads....atleast with a head you...
l believe this comment on the daily telegraph sums it up.
"Paul of Sydney Posted at 6:50 AM Today
Why do people insist on trusting a website with thousands of your hard earned dollars. I would be having a face to face with the people first. Websites are great for a general overview but you...
For all those struggling to piece together a diet for themselves here is a good site to use (can customise macros and foods).
if you need help calculating your required cals here is another good site or search google for " bmr calculators "...
the interviews are to help people to see where these people who achieved succes derive there motivation...give you some diet tips and workout plans to see how they do it (dont get me wrong just bcs they got massiff doing that workout plan ..that u will get masiff if u follow it ..it just gives u...