Adv Eng paper 1 (15th Oct)
Adv Eng paper 2 (17th Oct)
Economics (18th Oct)
Maths (22nd oct)
3u maths (24th oct)
SOR 2 (5th Nov)
Chemistry (6th Nov)
5 exams in the first 9 days then another 2, 2 weeks later. Awesome spacing
Na i just mean any particular topic he gives us a booklet for. And if you're taking about trees, what about the humanities? i see the ancient kids with like 30000 page booklets every day
I still don't get why they give us 2 hours for 3 essays. What is the short time limit meant to do? They should give us more time, so they just people on what they know/writing ability instead of the ability to memorize crap and break your wrist
Thanks, 1 final thing. How do incorporate revising previous topics into the ones you're currently doing in class? Just do past questions from that topic as well?
i range from 0 to 6
it's retarded
i have terrible time management/procrastination issues
Also 0 on weekends (main problem). I'm a god at procrastinating on weekends
I just went on the net looking for a screenplay and keep finding this version
The one i saw has no scene where Cameron/Seth go to the burger place after being bashed and in the final scene, Danny gets shot and the film ends with Derek holding...
lol, high school competitiveness is a joke. So we got this assignment in english a while back and i immediately had an idea for a related text. The text has some graphic material and i asked my teacher if it was ok to use it and he said it was fine. I just found out someone is doing the same...