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  1. S

    Failed half-yearlies? NEVER FEAR!

    This is perfect! Gave me a boost of confidence. Thankyou x 1000.
  2. S

    Will i be able to reach my goals? Motivation please.

    Okay, so I recently finished by half yearly exams and now the results are starting to be given out. I probably prepared for these exams the best I ever have but... I think these are the worst HY results I've gotten. I have included my exam results and my assessment task/assignment results in...
  3. S

    how to study for bio?

    I write my notes (or type). In between writing up notes I do questions targeted to that dotpoint I'm on which tests if you really understand what you've written and helps with your memory. Once my notes are complete I go over them a fair few times until its time for practice exams and then I...
  4. S

    Importance of maintaining the concentration of water in cells question!

    In the process of refining my notes and have come to the realization that I don't understand something that I have written .. I summarized from this extract (pg71 of biology in focus): Changes in water concentration lead to corresponding changes in solute concentration in cells: the...
  5. S

    Note writing and effective study techniques...

    Hey guys, I've been recently tossing up between writing and typing notes and I'm not really sure which is more effective? I feel like I remember more if I write notes, however it's a long process and they are difficult to edit if that situation arises. The time saved by typing I feel I could...
  6. S

    Any 2014'ers here? :D

    I'm the type of learner that likes to read to take in the information, likes to be quizzed and also likes to be told the information. Not sure if I fit in a particular category haha. and yeah, that's how I feel as well. I just hope the hard work pays off in the end.
  7. S

    Any 2014'ers here? :D

    Yeah, I don't think hospo would have been my cup of tea either.
  8. S

    Any 2014'ers here? :D

    It's okay cause I'm going to have a different one this year. She wasn't too bad, it just feel that I learn a lot more out of a textbook I guess haha. How do you feel about the scaling rumors/facts about food tech?
  9. S

    Any 2014'ers here? :D

    Hmm maybe it's because of my teacher. I was writing notes during these holidays for that topic and found it more interesting reading out of the textbook then learning it in class haha. I'm excited for the nutrition topics as always. How about you?
  10. S

    Roll Call: Class of 2014

    Hi I'm s-tressed (relevant I know) I'm doing: - Mathematics - Chemistry - Biology - English Adv - Food technology - SOR 1u Atar goal: 90+ would be great and 95+ would be a dream. Uni: Not sure yet, tossing up between a few possibilities.
  11. S

    Any 2014'ers here? :D

    Same! Pretty boring in my opinion. How'd you find it?
  12. S

    Year 10 going into Year 11 (Tips and Help Please!!!)

    During the summer before year 11 I spent a lot of time with mathematics practice ( revision from year 10 ) - not so much, if any, on other subjects. For maths I was doing selected exercises almost everyday with a break on Saturday. I would spend 1 or 2hrs on maths and that made things a lot...
  13. S

    How to improve my english grade?

    I've been getting fairly consistent B's in English since year 10 and I am now in year 12! I know B's aren't bad but it frustrates me since English is the one subject I can never improve on. When I barley try I get a B which I'm defiantly not complaining about but when I try really hard guess...
  14. S

    how much effort

    I believe getting consistent 90+ in all your subjects will get your more than a 85 ATAR. But, it depends on scaling and all that fancy stuff. You could try play around with atar calculators :)
  15. S

    Subject Choice Assistance? & What's Chemistry Like?

    Oh chemistry, my love-hate subject! From my personal experience, chemistry is a difficult subject and I'm sure you've heard that before. The concepts aren't necessarily difficult but it is a subject that needs an extra bit of time (regular revision will get you through!). It's also a subject...
  16. S

    Some recommended textbooks/ study guides for Prelim...

    if your school's not already using this textbook in class then the Mathematics one by Margret Grove is pretty good!
  17. S

    Forms and features... difference?

    So I believe that a 'form' refers to techniques whilst a 'feature' refers to the type of text (memoir/film/novel) but I'm not sure? If I'm right then what would the language features be in 'The pepper tree?' Just a short story? Thank you for your help in advance!
  18. S


    Thankyou so much!
  19. S


    Hi, I have an upcoming research task for chemistry. I'm trying to choose which biopolymer I should base my research on but I'm having a bit of trouble finding/understanding information. Basically, - What's the difference between PHB and Biopol? I have found that Biopol is made of PHB but...