Been doing past papers and getting about 90%, got 80% in CSSA trial but I wrote 25000 words of summaries and have done 8 past papers in about the last 10 days so I should be ok :))
School was ranked 180th last year, here are my rankings and CSSA trial results
Physics: 3/4, 76%
Modern History: 1/14, 93%
English Standard: 8/57, 67%
Mathematics: 4/8, 78%
Engineering Studies: 1/6, 80%
What Atar do you think I can get?
My english teacher's done HSC marking and she said if they can't read it it goes away and gets typed up by someone and then it comes back... plus english teachers I hae found can read just about anything haha.... it would have to be pretty damn bad for it not to be able to be read
I personally reckon your sitting between 85-90 atm, if you really study hard between now and the HSC (12 days is a lot of hours), 90 is doable, but you can't procrastinate!!! (like I am atm on here) haha