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  1. P

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    rofl @ BIT, 16 interviews, 15 scholarships hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha no1 likes BIT
  2. P

    any tips for 2006 phys students?

    yes i was referring to this years paper. A serious tip though: don't do quanta to quarks, I've been told its the hardest option, why make it any harder for yourself? 25 marks are 25 marks. Even though our school made us do quanta, had I cared about physics, I wouldve taken 2 days to learn...
  3. P

    Gender Bender...

    over the 2 classes in our grade (25 ppl total) who did sdd last year, there was 1 girl.
  4. P

    worst song ever

    lol hiphophooray... i read ur location thing, and I actually looked up.
  5. P

    worst song ever

    "Shaddap You Face - Joe Dolce" is an awesome song rofl i also can't understand why kasey chambers was made famous by true colours... I completely agree its a shocker. She performed at wave aid last year, when she came on, everyone flooded out of the stadium to get some lunch, it was hilarious...
  6. P

    any tips for 2006 phys students?

    look at ur textbook the day before the exam, and be blessed with an obscenely easy hsc paper :D :D :D :D :D
  7. P

    Make Your Own Prediction 2005

    98.7 (sam says 99.0, but I don't trust it)
  8. P

    remember the physics vs maths 2u? lol

    c. 2 unit maths is not hard at all, even if you are crap at maths. BUT it's your life, I really don't care. I'm not even going to begin criticizing your argument miss gtr, I cbf typing that much.
  9. P

    worst song ever

    I doubt SHE makes any music, all she does is prance around in slutty outfits, which is normally fine by me, except i find her ugly. No talent whatsoever.
  10. P

    all-time favourite song(s)

    Led Zeppelin - "Rain Song" Radiohead - "Pyramid Song" / "A Wolf At The Door" / "The Bends (acoustic version)" / "Street Spirit" Cake - "Shut The Fuck Up"
  11. P

    10-20 songs to rep your fav artist

    Yep i forgot lucky and high and dry, i dont rate the tourist and exit music quite so highly. Creep is hated by the band because it sucks. I tried to keep the list short, all of radiohead is great tho. Lets pray for 2006 tour w/ new album release :) edit - lets not forget "street spirit" &...
  12. P

    10-20 songs to rep your fav artist

    Radiohead (alternative rock) *Karma Police *2+2=5 *Paranoid Android *Pyramid Song *My Iron Lung *Idioteque *I Might Be Wrong *Everything In Its Right Place *Fake Plastic Trees *A Wolf At The Door *Optimistic *The National Anthem yep, i know that's 12. Megadeth *Holy Wars...
  13. P

    Electrical Engineering

    out of uts and usyd ... unsw is the best for ee
  14. P

    What is the best simpsons episode?

    the one with frank grimes is easilly the best imo
  15. P

    Raw marks 4 unit pple

    OMG THANKS HABOOZIN !!!!!!!! aww can't stay mad at ur avatar :P
  16. P

    Raw marks 4 unit pple

    80/81 :s + chars
  17. P

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    weren't the skanky group?
  18. P

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    lol testify
  19. P

    Who plans to continue doing maths at uni?

    doin elec eng/ comp sci at UNSW