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  1. DexJnr

    Graduate pay

    hehe. hows EY dude?
  2. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Interesting, we (EY) got our post-offer celebratory drinks tmr evening as well 6-8pm. is your one in sydney?
  3. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    sweeeeet. had 2 separate interviewers (behavioural then motivational) and both were football fans just like me, so that was awesome. helped that my partner was also an Arsenal fan =D
  4. DexJnr

    Graduate pay

    lol. and yeh the salary will increase dramatically once you become CA qualified..
  5. DexJnr

    Graduate pay

    Dayam, wonder what the grad pay will be like in 2010. Prolly 52-53k then eh?
  6. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Yeap EY is also the 15th Oct. I sent my paperwork the day after it came in the mail :) For EY, we got a black satchel as a gift...I heard other places got more expensive gifts, but hey it's only a gift.
  7. DexJnr

    Graduate pay

    cheers for that guys!
  8. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Actually come to think of it, you're right. Cos some people had Del interviews on the 21st...1 day before the closing date. Congrats to EY for being the only firm for sticking to the 'rule'. I'm sure they did cos they didnt call anyone until the Monday after...25th. Quality in Everything We Do...
  9. DexJnr

    Graduate pay

    Hey dudes, does anyone know how much a grad. auditor gets at a Big 4 firm in this current economic climate? cheerio :-)
  10. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    It just shows how doggy (and cut-throat) PwC and KPMG are...;-) Well done EY and Deloitte for sticking to their guns!
  11. DexJnr

    PwC or EY...

    EY dudes! btw, does anyone know roughly how much a grad gets in assurance in EY or PwC?
  12. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Hey dudes, this is a bit off-topic, but does anyone know roughly much grads get paid in assurance/audit? say for each of the big4 firms?
  13. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    thanks brother! :D
  14. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Wuhoo got an offer from EY last night! my #1 preference out of the Big 4. Stoked.. Thanks for your help Huy :) Appreciate it mate
  15. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Do you think they call your referees or not?
  16. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    wow that looks like gold =) thanks a million bro.
  17. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    cheers buddy looks useful, appreciate it!
  18. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    any general tips? :)
  19. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    congrats mate, i got rejected from kpmg audit lol. huy's tips...what are they?!
  20. DexJnr

    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Hey has anyone gone through the EY recruitment day yet? if so, any tips? that would be greatly appreciated :)