If I'm lucky I might meet the groups backstage or before the concert.
I'm going. I'm VIP standing and I got this ticket for free from a competition. AWESOME
I might meet the kpop groups beforehand when they go to this restaurant. Because this lady I know will be helping out and MIGHT invite me and her kids to help the restaurant.
Pretty boring so far because I don't have my new comp yet. Also, not going out as much..
but still better than having to study.
How's your life after hsc ?
I haven't played neither bf3 or mw3 (but I have bf3 sitting on my origin).
From gameplays and graphics, definitely bf3... I mean look at the realism in that game.
I said:
- electrons are emitted by thermionic emmsion
- electrodes provide high potential difference
- electrons accelerate due to this potential difference.