The point Iron is getting at - I think - is that homosexuality is lust, not love. Heterosexuals have to resist their lust at times as well, as proven by Tiger Woods, so I don't think you have a monopoly on that department.
Oh wow that is so original. Pink unicorns? That's a laugh, haven't heard that before, where do you come up with this stuff?
Same old arguments that have failed to destroy religion a thousand times before, it's not going to work this time either, sorry.
You're the moron who can't even read the sentence directly following that. Where did you learn to read? Or are you just that damn ignorant? I suspect it is the latter.
Because people aren't ignorant tards like you. Obviously the idea of God carries a bit more weight and significance than the idea of unicorns. If unicorn do exist, how does that change your life? God has universal relevance, I'm afraid.
Nice Google searching skills.
I didn't dismiss it, it WAS a general statement :/
And no I wasn't trying to dodge the issue. I wanted Secksi to reference the passage he was talking about so I could continue.
Serious? Sehnsucht is my favorite I think.
Reise Reise and Mutter tied on a close second. Then again I haven't really listened to Rosenrot (besides Benzin) or Liebe ist fur alle da.
And yes, I would definitely go if they came here :)
I don't even know what passage he is referring to at the moment, so I'm not implying anything.
Secksi simply said that the Bible says giants (or dinosaurs) did once exist. Fact: Dinosaurs did once exist. I was making a general statement.
Lol, and giants did, in the form of dinosaurs. Dispute they existed?
For historicity visit this: The Christ Files |
Can't be bothered writing it at the moment.
I did say history now didn't I? Wasn't talking about science you twat. Those parts of the Bible are obviously allegory.
Oh and the Bible even says that the World is suspended in space and is spherical, so don't try and pull that card.