From memory its 1 semester.. and the course your doing is arts right? and you want to do arts and commerce.. so all your arts subject will count towards your double degree, no?
man the other one is at 6-9...i dont want to be at uni then. Dude, its stupid how they do this.. Its clear that they are common 3rd year subjects (they are core for app fin) .. yet they dont spread them out. Real smart macquarie.
Do you know anyone who does com/sci with a background in molecular biology? I've been reading some stuff about biotech companies and tbh that would be a sick combo to have..
True. But you know what i mean.. probably should've elaborated as to why there are higher entry scores; the perception that uni x is better than uni y.
Depending on the industry. If you're referring to law or finance/accounting i can tell you straight out the uni you go to does matter. Just...
Is our law school even any good? I mean it seems to be very neglected... i always got the perception that it was neglected.. You see other unis and they have a law department and grand buildings.. and then you come to macquarie and you see the little building which will be dwarfed by our new lib.