zionism is an anachronism. The jewish state has been created and it is a bastion of democracy within the middle east. I'm not saying the israelis are without fault but to continue for 60 years to argue over its validity is retarded.
My favourite thing about fags in loudass celicas and shit is when they suddenly get smaller and smaller in my rear-view mirror as soon as there is a corner in the road.
when I said 2 hours I was kidding, I am just normal. Everyone last forever when they are drunk.
Anyway like you can talk; you've said before how once you start masturbating you go for hours or something I dont remember the exact wording
lol I was kidding. On saturday night me and my gf were both pretty tipsy and so went for aaaaaaaagggggesssss and in the morning she is just like "i need a day or two to recover."
I dont think they ever denied that sex was enjoyable in our sex ed classes, but I seem to remember them reinforcing the notion that it should be special or some shit.