Michael Jackson
Billie Jean
Beat It
Human Nature
Man in the Mirror
Smooth Criminal
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
Heal the World
She's Out of My Life
"Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."
The purpose of education is for the student to reach his/her full potential. That's the first priority. If you want to learn ahead, or...
After assessments/papers are marked, they should be passed around the staff room so everyone is marking to a consistent level. At least, that is what should happen.
English & Humanities = Wasting the school's own paper and printing etc.
Mathematics = Wasting your own paper
Well, not really wasting because you need it, but yeah...
I hope this is actually confirmed or proven wrong. I don't want to go to school, find out there's no one there, and then look like an idiot in school uniform.
I think the main message is 'consequences' and 'regret'. For example, like death, once you do poorly on an exam or assessment etc. you can never take it again.
I never needed, wanted or found any use for a locker. Everything I need I bring with me, and if I don't need something, I leave it at home. Lack of space or weight has also never been an issue.