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  1. scarybunny

    Too tired of travel

    I've had the best time in the last 4 years. Yeah the work is hard, but the ridiculous holidays are the best. There's time for a social life, the real world hasn't started yet.
  2. scarybunny

    Too tired of travel

    Meh, I don't see why you'd want to rush uni. It's awesome.
  3. scarybunny

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    My weekend starts today also. Well tomorrow we're going on a 'cultural visit' instead of going to class, and my friends and I have chosen to go up the mountains and have a poke around. So uni work that's not uni work really.
  4. scarybunny

    the pill

    Yeah, cosmic doris is right. You start in the green section, and then just follow the arrows. (I forgot that the green section is active pills. But yeah, same directions stand.)
  5. scarybunny

    Wheelchair man bashed.

    Exactly. Go take on a boxer or something, then tell us how much of a tough cunt you are.
  6. scarybunny

    Wheelchair man bashed.

    You need to bash them up just to make sure? It's so weak, completely spineless.
  7. scarybunny

    Wheelchair man bashed.

    Surely some people are off limits. Like, congratulations, you bashed a man who can't walk or properly fight back. Or you bashed an old woman. What could you possibly gain from that?
  8. scarybunny

    the pill

    No, you just keep going as the arrows tell you. So when you start, you might only have a couple of white pills before starting the active ones again.
  9. scarybunny

    Alice in Wonderland 2010

    Yeah what the fuck was up with that. I loved the original. It's high-larious.
  10. scarybunny

    Best and worst eyeshadows (favourite colour)

    Yeah I wear smoky green eyeshadow sometimes (I have brown eyes, pale skin and brown-red hair) and I quite like how it looks. It's not garish or anything.
  11. scarybunny

    Alice in Wonderland 2010

    Yeah I can't say it lived up to expectations. Just another hero story. Might have been better if they remade the first story, it might have retained some of the charm or humour of the original.
  12. scarybunny

    What is each uni's strongest course?

    I think Usyd has the widest range of subjects if you're doing arts (afaik, anyway).
  13. scarybunny

    Would you bang a 16 year old?

    Physical maturity is part of it. But also the fact that I don't want to have sex with someone who's going to high-five me after wards or who I have to drive home because they don't have their P plates.
  14. scarybunny

    Would you bang a 16 year old?

    Because a 16 year old is a child. And I don't find them attractive. They're usually pimply and weedy and haven't grown into themselves yet.
  15. scarybunny

    Would you bang a 16 year old?

    There's a pretty big difference between a 16 year old and a 20 year old in terms of maturity. I probably wouldn't go anyone under 20 tbh.
  16. scarybunny

    Best and worst eyeshadows (favourite colour)

    Yeah I need to invest in some brushes. No point getting some decent eyeshadow if I'm applying it with my fingers. I might get my eyebrows shaped at MAC and get some eyeshadow that way haha.
  17. scarybunny

    Too tired of travel

    I could park up near the station or get a 5-10 minute bus easily enough, but I choose to walk because it's so flat and I did no exercise at all in the holidays. And there's a 20 minute walk from Redfern to my class anyway, so it's not that big a deal.
  18. scarybunny

    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    It's a 4th year elective haha. So yes, small cohort.
  19. scarybunny

    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    I have an interactive lecture, but there's only 50 of us in the room so it's not too difficult.
  20. scarybunny

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    Don't try to justify it like that. Just learn for next time haha.