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  1. tacogym27101990


    it did exist everyone read it i find it funny that they've retracted the statement i hope someone got a screenshot of it or something
  2. tacogym27101990


    I'd suggest if you have trouble with writing essays you should check out the resource section just to see how to set out an essay. Don't just copy the resources though. the best way I found to write an essay when I was struggling was to just use a quote, explain the technique and how supports...
  3. tacogym27101990


    its not really a malicious rumour the black out did happen i think everyone should just get over it cause thereisnt anything that can make it a fair test its just the daily telegraph being a shit tabloid paper
  4. tacogym27101990


    well there isn't really much they can do unless they want to send us our tests back and give us an extra 15 minutes on them which im all for hahaha
  5. tacogym27101990


    idon't think anything is going to come of it so beneficial for them although more people will hate them because of it even though it's not their fault
  6. tacogym27101990


    oh you were joking before?? thats ok then i apologise
  7. tacogym27101990


    hahaha yeah ACA and TT are heaps reputable media networks idiot
  8. tacogym27101990

    i need some help from everyone who did the hsc this year!

    yeah i worked as a delivery boy at dominos i often changed my availability depending on assessment tasks and whatnot. i ended up quitting around september due to HSC
  9. tacogym27101990

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    dammit i woulda had 15/15 i initially had 14 correct but in the last 15 minutes i checked over my m/c answers and recalculated it incorrectly mega dev
  10. tacogym27101990

    Post up the paper

    wow that must have taken you forever mate much appreciated thanks
  11. tacogym27101990

    rumour??... CHEATERS!!

    zero for the exam or zero for the whole course, i think thats what they say with the rules at the start all the time don't they??
  12. tacogym27101990

    Finish a subject 3 terms early

    why do general maths if your just gunna badmouth it
  13. tacogym27101990

    why is it?

    yeah thats what i thought it would be thanks
  14. tacogym27101990

    Post up the paper

    yeah i just forgot to take the m/c paper with me and i wanted to go through it to see what i got
  15. tacogym27101990

    why is it?

    why is it when you differentiate lnx, which is defined only for x>0 we get a function that is defined for all real x, except x=/=0?? probably a silly question but i was just wondering
  16. tacogym27101990

    Ext 2 SMH Article =]

    haha don't worry next years exam will be easy because they made this one so shit
  17. tacogym27101990

    Anyone finding it hard to study for SC?

    school certificate exams are basically general knowledge definitely don't study for them
  18. tacogym27101990


    i thought that shipwrecks was really, really good this year so much easier than other years i almost laughed when i read the 7 marker about restoration and conservation it was the last thing i learnt the night the night before
  19. tacogym27101990

    What was your top/worst subject?

    hey ronknee howd you go in the 3 unit exam??