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  1. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    oh yeah and its Ln not In
  2. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    thats cause the formula given in general doesnt always work in some questions, i can't give a specific example right now but yeah, you have to derive it in 2 unit for this reason.
  3. tacogym27101990

    Projectile motion question

    i think jm01 has been thoroughly raped by trebla
  4. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    in the question? yes but i never got full marks in the exams, always one or two really really stupid mistakes, such as writing a 7 instead of a 9 or such
  5. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    yeah im pretty sure it did have a lead in question, but the exams were real easy so id just kinda have fun with it. i once did a simple volume question using shells method, it kept me amused during the test
  6. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    yeah ive used it in 3 unit assesment tasks to save time
  7. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    yeah i know, i just wanted to point it out i found it fun to do this during the year
  8. tacogym27101990

    Finding area underneath Log/In graph

    or you could use integration by parts i loved I.B.P
  9. tacogym27101990

    UAC is a fraud!

    From what you've been saying in these posts, you thoroughly deserve your UAI mate. Like these unfounded conspiracy theories about UAC being preferential to sydney siders - pure idiocy its a ranking, perform below average get a below average UAI - pretty fucking simple. And as for the whole...
  10. tacogym27101990

    Uni offers

    hey im just a little confused about the uni offers, can someone tell me about this? my first pref was vet science, but i didnt quite the the uai for it, my second is adv science which i should get into fairly comfortably say i accept the first round offer for adv science, but i have the marks...
  11. tacogym27101990

    Family's reaction to your UAI?

    why did you waste 2 years of your life then??
  12. tacogym27101990

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph when will the full school ranking come out?
  13. tacogym27101990

    Which uni will you be going and what course?

    Usyd - ideally Bach Vet science, but if that dont work out Bach of Adv. Science and then transfer
  14. tacogym27101990

    is my uai wrong?

    why dont you come up with a better way to compare 67000 students against each other then?
  15. tacogym27101990

    HSC same as SC marks?

    hey namu did you get 100 in SC maths as well?? by the way, how did you go in 3 unit maths??
  16. tacogym27101990

    Family's reaction to your UAI?

    yeah im not part of an asian family uncle just like law for some reason, his not even a lawyer ive wanted to be a vet since i was like 14, and everytime i see my grandpa he always tells me i need to follow in my sisters footsteps and become a doctor, its really quite funny he just wont...
  17. tacogym27101990

    Family's reaction to your UAI?

    yeah i rang up my mum while she was working me: hey mum i got 96.25 mum: *starts telling every single one of her co-teachers that will listen" but now im gunna be at christmas when i go to my dads house my uncles going to be trying to convince me to change into law. he's already succeded...
  18. tacogym27101990

    When Will We Recieve 2009 Offers ?

    hey can someone shed some light on an issue for me? i'm going to miss out on getting into my first preference, when it comes out but ill get my second (I think). but i could get into my first preference in like second or third round offers say i accept the 1st round offer of advanced...
  19. tacogym27101990

    HSC Mathematics marks

    Ext 1: 97 Ext 2: 91 so happy =]
  20. tacogym27101990

    Private schools in NSW warned over HSC exam answers

    alpha beta high school sounds like it should be out of brave new world