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  1. iBibah

    2014 Fifa World Cup thread

    yeh like qatar
  2. iBibah

    Does God exist?

    The exact wording of that Hadith makes all the difference I think. I might have to look into this a little better later on.
  3. iBibah

    2014 Fifa World Cup thread

    Isn't timezones basically one of the main reasons Australia will struggle to secure a world cup? dats what i heard.
  4. iBibah

    Racism and discrimination

    Basically why I wish my I didn't have a deep lebo accented voice, would ruin me in a phone interview.
  5. iBibah

    Does God exist?

    Our interpretation of these verses is the obvious point from which we part views. Isn't that main source of his miracle stories from Hadiths? Because this Hadith: Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 92, Number 379 Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "There was no prophet among the prophets but...
  6. iBibah

    Does God exist?

    3:183-183: I thought it was the universal Islamic belief that the sole miracle of Muhammad was the Quran.
  7. iBibah

    Does God exist?

    bump ?
  8. iBibah

    Does God exist?

    I thought Muslims believed Allah does not send miracles because past generations denied the miracles of previous prophets?
  9. iBibah

    Word Limit!??!

    You'll have to ask the marker how strict they are. High schools don't have any universal rules to abide by.
  10. iBibah

    2014 Fifa World Cup thread

    Sy you must understand everything you post on this site i take as joke because of that frog. just sayin
  11. iBibah

    2014 Fifa World Cup thread

    Matthew leckie though....
  12. iBibah

    Best music to study too?

    Rain or Ludovico Einaudi
  13. iBibah

    The way the school year's been set out. I just don't get it.

    It's not a problem considering your whole cohort is in the same position so don't stress.
  14. iBibah

    Brain Teaser

    Im saying the trick is in the wording of the question where he added the 2 bucks to the 27. The $2 was already in the 27 so adding it was wrong.
  15. iBibah

    Should I drop physics, leaving me with 10 units?

    What he said ^^ You should defs drop if you hate it + you already know it probably won't count.
  16. iBibah

    Brain Teaser

    Yeh that's what I mean they payed 9 bucks each which is 27, the hotel has 25 and the kid has 2? So it should've been subtracted not added?
  17. iBibah

    Brain Teaser

    how come you added $2 to the 27? shouldnt you subtract it cause its actually a part of it?
  18. iBibah

    What should I ask a girl to as a first 'date'

    Exactly the messyness only humanises both parties and you're left with two people as they really are. If you wanna know a person have a kebab with them. And if it doesn't work out at least you both had a kebab. Win/Win situation.
  19. iBibah

    He calls me mum.

    It's not being said because he actually wants a motherly figure, he is saying it because the advice and things you say are what a mother would say. It can be said as a sort of insult sometimes but he doesn't seem to mean it that way. I think you're over thinking it, it's just a comment one...