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  1. wendybird

    2010 Philosophy Distinction course

    haha, I was reading back to the first few pages of this thread.. PwnerKebab, perhaps you should check out Bertrand Russell, a philosopher of mathematical logic if you are so inclined. :) Bertrand Russell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Principia Mathematica - Wikipedia, the free...
  2. wendybird

    2010 Philosophy Distinction course

    - Yo Ajeet! :D - To 2010ers... :) I thought that I'd just give a summary of the FAQs and try to answer any questions that come up regarding Distinction Courses next year. (Or rather, Distinction Course - as Philosophy is the only one available). 1. What distinction courses are available...
  3. wendybird

    2 exams in one day !

    probably. but i would say in your case i doubt anything would have affected your results! :D genius is genius. :jedi:
  4. wendybird

    2 exams in one day !

    I'm not in the situation of having 2 exams in one day, and i sympathise with people who have shocking exam timetables. But i honestly think that by the time the actual HSC rolls around, what real good is an extra day or couple of days going to do? Basically zilch. By that point, cramming or...
  5. wendybird

    Who got 100 UAI in 2008?

    i'm sure you can beat him Chrisitan! ;) i don't really remember if this was a Sarah from HPS either...
  6. wendybird

    Who got 100 UAI in 2008?

    what?! Hurstville Public School? :jaw:
  7. wendybird

    Who got 100 UAI in 2008?

    care to give a name? Most of my primary school class went to NSG :cool:
  8. wendybird

    Who got 100 UAI in 2008?

    is Kate a debater/public speaker? I seem to remember someone by that name from state debating (if it's the same person, smart cookie!)... and congratulations to her :)
  9. wendybird

    What have you sacrificed for the HSC this/next year.

    Nothing. it's still bludging, but no longer guilt free.
  10. wendybird

    Notes: Typed Or Written?

    Typing. (but supplemented by writing and hand drawn diagrams). Actually... mostly laptop, because our school provides tablet laptops that we can both write and type on. Best of both worlds really. :spin: Though i have a feeling this laptop attachment could haunt me, considering i've dropped...
  11. wendybird

    Distinction Course Discussion

    lol. mind you it was only a few days after... and i called up Christine Jackson to apologize profusely..
  12. wendybird

    UAI help.

    as one might say of the plebians? :ninja:
  13. wendybird

    How much study do u do in Holidays?

    How bout, i'm someone who likes the idea of being a dedicated student, and racing ahead during the holidays... But has in fact done little to no work, and the closest i've come to formulating a belonging thesis is pointing out at Bondi Beach "OMG those drunk Irish guys are sooo assimilated...
  14. wendybird

    Distinction Course Discussion

    ^ thanks! I think that some people on this thread thought about attaching extra records of achievement etc? On the 2003 form the mentioned extracirriculars, but you're right, on the 2008 version outside achievements aren't given much (any?) notice. I gave them the no frills version, just the...
  15. wendybird

    Distinction Course Discussion

    There is a big question mark surrounding the distinction courses- the Board of Studies is quite likely to phase out the entire Distinction programme, it has been suggested that 2009 is the final year, perhaps 2010 will be the final year. Comparative Literature was cut (2008 cohort is the final...
  16. wendybird

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    ^ don't worry about not doing legal for future Law studies at Uni, it really has minimal (to no) bearing. just concentrate on the subjects you have now, maximise your UAI and get into the law degree of your choice! though it does suck if you miss Legal and it was a fun subject... still...
  17. wendybird

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    wounded... i wish i could do it all... i'm probably dropping chemistry next term, i hate that i'm ranked like 5th for it...gah! it's going to waste :mad1: but i just don't think i want to do that many units..
  18. wendybird

    Distinction Course Discussion

    aww multimedia! sounds good. :) out of interest, when does the cosmology course end? Philosophy has it's final assignment 12th October. It's nice (though intimidating) to see the shortness of the course..
  19. wendybird

    Distinction Course Discussion

    ^ how was the cosmology package? First impressions? I hear you guys have alot of reading + materials.
  20. wendybird

    Distinction Course Discussion

    don't worry, i didn't get it either :) i assume they just forgot or they'll email/contact us about it later.