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    Kyle and Jackio radio stunt

    It was the mothers fault for bringing her on that retarded shit in the first place, but Kyle is an annoying dickhead nonetheless.
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    Kyle and Jackio radio stunt I couldn't hear any crying. And I read another article which quoted the first part of the recording before the questioning where the girl said "I'm scared.. It's not fair". - Girl's rape revelation sinks...
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    Does God exist?

    An abstract concept did not create the universe sir - you are talking nonsense.
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    Theme parks introduce new food bans

    Why are they doing this? Just why?
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    Nuclear Power?

    HAHA! MUSLIM MADE A FUNNY!! :confused: But Ziggy is basically correct.
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    Climate Change

    Surprisingly it's not you who fucked it, for once.
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    Rejection on Footy Show

    Watching the Footy Show is one of the most classless things you can do. :confused:
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    Forced Abortion

    A heart and a spine that could both easily be crushed between my thumb and forefinger.
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    Climate Change

    I don't know the extent to which climate change is caused by humans, but David Attenborough said that the polar bears are dying, and no one is doing fucking anything. OMFG SO CUTE
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    By 'bear' she doesn't mean the slang term used to describe old fat hairy gay men.
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    thread dedicated to Saudi arabia: ITT we post f*cked up shit about KSA.

    But does not Surah an-Nur ayah 31 say: Surely the glorious religious police, by not making these girls objects of desire, have saved them from hell? A fire which is a thousand times worse than they went through.
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    Forced Abortion

    1. It is neither innocent nor a child, the quality of innocence cannot apply to a piece of squishy mush inside a woman's stomach. 2. A girl can become pregnant if the condom breaks, or if the guy wasn't using a condom but the girl was using some other contraception method, she can still become...
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    Judge unsure drunk sex was rape

    The guy was drunk, and he's a guy, so there's no way he would have decided "this is wrong" and stopped half way through. Alcohol always blurs the lines in cases like this, did the girl just decide that she regretted it in the morning? Does the fact that she was drunk while she consented mean...
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    Iran virgin prisoners raped for 'legal' executions

    Muslim culture = Arab culture mixed with Islamic theology, ideas, rules, etc. Iranian culture = Persian culture mixed Muslim culture. Marrying and raping virgins so they can get executed = a culmination of the absolute corruption of a theocracy, and the lack of rights, freedom, and respect for...
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    Amman revoking Palestinians' citizenship

    Meanwhile they can keep them in limbo and use them as scapegoats to make Israel look like the "bad guy". :confused:
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    Suicide, 4th kid in 6 months

    How can you blame the teachers in any way? They aren't social workers, they are there to tell the kids some stuff and at the same time try and make sure no one gets stabbed. If the girl did indeed die from cyber bullying that would have happened in her home, not at school, the biggest blame I...
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    Israel tells United States to mind its own beeswax

    When have I ever defended settlers?
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    Suicide, 4th kid in 6 months

    Kids are getting too pussy; someone says something bad about you on Myspace so you don't go and kick their ass, you kill yourself? Hopefully whoever picked on that 14 year old girl will get caught up by their own conscious and they will also kill themselves off :haha:.