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    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Peace in Israel-Palestine Maxwell Gaylord, the UN humanitarian coordinator in Jerusalem - "The UN would like to clarify that the shelling and all of the fatalities took place outside and not inside the school." There were militants firing from locations outside the school, get your shit...
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    Israeli troops speak out on Gaza war!

    I for one welcome this new world order.
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    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Peace in Israel-Palestine "o no all thoz dead kids n women omg its so sad". I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hamas use the deaths of their own civilians as propaganda in order to get support for their terrorist campaigns. People need to read a history book and see why the...
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    Israeli troops speak out on Gaza war!

    Based on anonymous hearsay and unfounded claims.
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    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Peace in Israel-Palestine I don't agree with the blended state, the Arab birth rates are higher than the Jews, it would defeat the purpose of having a Jewish state. In the West Bank, to go back to the 1967 borders would require dismantling hundreds of settlements, uprooting thousands of...
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    Would you eat Camel?

    And if you cut off their heads they run around for hours like possessed bird spawn of the devil.
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    Forced Abortion

    Yeah. Can't they just adopt an African or a Palestinian or something?
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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is Obama a pussy?

    Let the sodomites into the great Satan's terrorist force, me and my muslim brethren will have fun torturing them for their misdeeds.
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    Animal cruelty is the same as racism.

    Cowards hack off puppy&squo;s ears and tail and leave it to die | Herald Sun
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    Forced Abortion

    It's their life, you fucking dolt, people like you are the selfish ones for saying others have to go through an entire pregnancy just to give the baby away to someone else at the end. Also how do you know the waiting lists are long? Where are you getting your information from?
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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is Obama a pussy?

    By your logic - the same rules must apply for straight soldiers as well. No talking about past/current relationships, sex or anything that could possibly reveal your sexual preference. How about discharging bigoted religious nuts like yourself - although if they did that in the US that would...
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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is Obama a pussy?

    Between getting rid of this stupid policy and reevaluating the legitimacy of the war in Iraq, I think the former is more realistic goal.
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    Would you eat Camel?

    I think I went on a camel ride once. Other than being a tourist attraction they are pretty much useless, so yeah I'd have some camel meat. Please dont, you'll only be ruining it for the rest of the people who want to have a serious discussion :santa:.
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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is Obama a pussy?

    Do you truly believe any of the shit that you say?
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    Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is Obama a pussy?

    Gays aren't all sexualized monsters out to prey on straight men, I'm sure going into the military they would realize that acting like a "faggot" and hitting on straight guys is not acceptable. Also, you should look up "the Sacred Band of Thebes", they were an elite ancient greek fighting force...
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    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Well I don't know what kind of emotional tests you have to go through to become a front line soldier, but the unstable/too fragile ones would probably get found out early enough.
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    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Since when is being disassociated from your emotions a measure of superiority?
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    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Seeing how women break down when they see a baby, I wouldn't trust one covering my back. Women are much more emotional than men, and saying that "we're all equal" or whatever is bullshit, sure with training women could physically get to the same level as some men, but men and women are different...
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    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    What about Sniper Wolf? She loved animals but she was a kickass sniper.