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  1. N

    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    You are misinformed. Monash may have a high proportion of foreign students, but it does not amount to 100%. ALSO, if those foreign students are from Singapore, their command of English grammar may be better than yours even if they can't speak English with an Aussie accent.
  2. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    That's dumb ! My BRITISH trained teacher said " NEVER start a sentence with an AND or end a sentence with a preposition" . You also NEVER start a sentence with a lower case. Phrases ( as in my case) are fine. I'm not going to let a 2nd rate English speaking nation tell me what's right or...
  3. N

    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    No , the survey points to LOCAL Aussies as well! " ......MONASH University will teach its first-year students grammar and punctuation after discovering that most arrive without basic English skills. " Unless you are saying 100% of first year students are foreigners.
  4. N

    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    Well Said !! Did you hear that " Mr. Wrong Turn " ? We must not let entropy dominate.
  5. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    If one cannot impress with intelligence , try dazzling with stubborness ?
  6. N

    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    Obviously from a survey conducted at Monash. For details , please contact Monash.
  7. N

    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    Sigh, WRONG TURN is trying so hard to prove his ( an Asian) English is even worse ! His sentence should be: This thread fails. Missing uppercase T and period .
  8. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    You're a good example of an Asian with poor English skills. YOU reinforce an already prejudiced stereotype. " Small taunts on the chin ?" What kind of English is that ? "Dont "? You mean Don't starting a sentence with lowercase as in " and your post ...." ? Were you not paying...
  9. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Is 'strine ' English any better than the bloody foreigner's? MONASH University : ... 90 per cent of first-year students could not identify a noun ... only 20 per cent of English teachers understand basic grammar ... 500 students in communication were strangers to English grammar idea...
  10. N

    Okay. Am I wrong to ditch college for money.

    Depends on what you want to study. If you want to pursue a degree like Medicine, Law, Accounting, Computer Science , etc then I think degrre is better. But if you wanted to study English, History, Fine Arts, Biology, Astronomy...then do your dad's you'd be making more money
  11. N

    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    Recently there has been some ( justified) criticism of the standard of spoken English by foreign students, but have a look at the actual condition of local ' strine" English ! MONASH University : ...90 per cent of his first-year students could not identify a noun ...only 20 per cent of...
  12. N

    Medical Science?

    Wait, are you saying Australia's economic survival currently depends on the ' most shit government" of the world? In that case you should organise a boycott ! Dont sell China our Iron, Coal, Uranium , Beef etc Dont buy their...ummm, lemme think "everthing " ? Where are your morals?
  13. N

    Medical Science?

    So basically you made a claim without any proof. Ah yeah that's call prejudice.
  14. N

    Medical Science?

    It's scary ...your powers of logic & argument , inference and deduction. Are you sure Forensics suits you ? Next thing we know you'lll be telling black parents that their black goat is indeed their child because you read it in some Govt report.
  15. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    So you ARE Vacuous ?
  16. N

    Medical Science?

    sigh. You cant even INFER. If I liked dick cheese , I would have kept it.
  17. N

    Medical Science?

    No I don't have dick cheese. Next time try a condom , that way you don't have to floss it from your teeth!
  18. N

    Medical Science?

    Everyone ? really show me the proof
  19. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Memory loss..Advanced stage of brain degeneration I thought we discussed this already and you said you didn't think I was Asian regardless of my penis size Hey, try microwaving your might kill off the yeast !!