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    moving out!!!!

    Off the top off my head you can get $50 per week in rent assistance in addition to $371/fortnight (rent assistance: Rent Assistance - payment rates) So you get about $235 a week, and you can work to earn another ~$185 a week without reducing your youth allowance payment. Try and hookup a job...
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    Best Lecturers in Comm/Eco- Please Help!

    Henry Yip = the devil Most of the lecturers in the accounting/finance areas are ok - they won't motivate you to get a HD and fill you with enthusiasm for XYZ subject, but they don't make it overly difficult to succeed. Some make it hard through poor English/poorly organised classes (especially...
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    Which subs to pick for second year commerce?

    UNSW Handbook Course - International Business Finance - FINS3616 2624 wasn't a prereq when I did it and it still isn't now. My advice is to try doing FINS2624 with a WAM booster subject (like BFM UNSW Handbook Course - Bank Financial Management - FINS3630 ) - it's not an overly difficult...
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    Chaikin or Co-op? - Too much choice!

    Being offered a co-op position OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL is in NO WAY even a marginal guarantee of getting offered vac work down the track. Don't say things like without experience - the beauty of co-op is that you get experience given to you rather than fight for it with hundreds of other equally able...
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    Chaikin or Co-op? - Too much choice!

    I think your career goals will decide this question for you. If you strongly want to work in finance, then you can't pass up the co-op because you will get 1.5 years of experience practically given to you. I don't know if Chaikin offers the same, but at least you can do more than 1 major with...
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    Do you want to be a lawyer? If not I think doing actuarial/finance would be a better choice. It's a shorter degree and you can always do honours in Finance if you want to go for that extra prestige. Either way, which ever degree you choose, try and get a minimum 80 average in your non...
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    BCom or Economics (what's the dif)?

    You should check the university's website for the differences. At UNSW, it used to be that BEco and BComm were exactly the same, but it was compulsory to do a major from the Economics faculty if you did a BEco. Now from what I read they're 2 fairly different degrees - again highlights checking...
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    UNSW WAMs questions

    I do commerce (UNSW) and I agree with them ^_^ (serious)
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    UNSW WAMs questions

    Commerce only from what I've seen. People list their marks separately, with it usually being Commerce (Finance) 80+ average and Law in the 65-70 range. To OP, an 80 average would sure help getting to the interview but from then on your marks don't mean much. There will be plenty of other people...
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    Didn't know there were many online poker players at UNSW. I'm down for any 6m games on FTP up to 0.5/1 ^_^
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    B Commerce - MAJORS?

    Finance is mostly wrote learning, the concepts aren't hard. Doing well is just putting in the effort mostly. Actuarial studies requires a lot more logical reasoning. Everyone I know doing actuarial considers their finance subjects as a break.
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    B Commerce - MAJORS?

    Do not to International Business or Management - they are the least vocational of any major (so lowest career prospects) and they aren't that enriching knowledge wise either. Final year BComm(UNSW) here. Trust me on this. Do Actuarial/Finance but make sure you do well! If you do this...
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    AFAIK there are no cadetships for economics (where you work FT and study PT for some years and the reverse in others). UNSW might have a co-op program for economics which is sort've similar but you work with different companies each placement - check it out. Internships - there are heaps, from...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    Work placement is for engineering (you have to find your own placement though, it's not just given to you). It's compulsory to complete it before you are allowed to graduate. UNSW/USYD are the top tier uni's in NSW, that doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job when you graduate though. The...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    Yeah, that's pretty much the whole reason I made this thread, to explore this issue
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    Yes, MFIN would be the easiest option of the 3 UNSW
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    Finance electives

    Everyone does finance/accounting. If you don't plan on working in finance do the easiest subjects you can find: wealth management, bank financial management and another (I don't know of another easy one). If you do get a finance interview though you'll be struggling if they ask about corporate...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    If I could get into honours I wouldn't be making a thread abou masters ^_^
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    For some (read: most) the prospect of spending another 4 years at uni for the small chance of getting a job in trading is unreasonable.
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    As a route into trading good sir?