Search results

  1. A

    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    I know a CA qualification + a few years in auditing can enable you to jump into IB/research etc but I'm looking at more markets/funds management orientated roles like trading or portfolio analysis. I was looking at doing an MFIN as a way to further my studies, get better marks and apply to these...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    I can't find one graduate program that hires graduates in any of these capacities - can you please point me in the right direction? What is 'shipping trading'? I can't find any thing on google.
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    Aww as if the first/last letters of your name mean anything. But out of respect I'll do it. Also, I find the tone and clipped nature of your original reply to be 'impolite', I don't become an e-dick for no reason. Anyway, w.r.t to electricity/gas trading - I never even knew these positions...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    Your reply didn't address any of the issues I raised in my original post Mr X How about you provide some specifics, or directly agree/disagree with what I said and why. EDIT: A credible source has told me that getting a job (any professional job) > pursuing an MFin degree. How? Spoke to a...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that's a realistic option when it comes to careers such as trading, structuring, PE etc. Maybe in accounting and law that's a realistic possibility where there are defined tiers of practices (and you can move up/down as you please because the skills are...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    I know a law degree can take you places other than practicing as a lawyer, but I would think post-grad law is perceived differently to a combined undergrad degree with law/business/science etc - I can't do 3 years of post grad F/T law study and then apply for IB/Accounting positions. I thought...
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    Job prospects of an MFin student?

    I know a lot of people who had hoped to get into the finance sector but with employment levels so low a lot of people have missed out. I know a few (incl myself) are thinking of doing a Masters in Finance after our bachelors. However, just thinking about it, I'm wondering how much that extra...
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    Economics Honours

    1st year math/comp sci majors from WA know much about life and careers.
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    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Mate that just looks like a watered down version of UNSW's masters in fin maths. It's only 5 subjects long and is a major within the MComm. I don't have the authority to say which courses are better than others, but I can say with near certainty that doing the quant fin major in usyd' Mcomm...
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    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    Are you referring to USYD's honours/PhD financial math programs? I don't think USYD offer a Masters in any 'financial maths' disciplines (not 100% sure, just never read/heard about). I can't really comment, as I said I haven't read/heard much about USYD. If you're talking about honours/PhD...
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    Finance Postgrad - which uni?

    UTS is not one of the worlds top uni's (true) but the MQF is Aus's only true quant fin degree and is very 'respected' - the UNSW masters is purely theoretical, if you just look at the course descriptions, whereas the UTS masters covers practical topics encountered in industry. This is info I've...
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    what exactly is econometrics?

    Statistics (turning raw data into 'information') applied to business - so the stock market, interest rate predictions etc As to whether it's boring, I suggest you make a list of the degrees/majors you want to do then decide which you'll like most
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    UTS vs UNSW Business vs Commerce?

    Thousands of HSC students do 4u mathematics (as in both UTS and UNSW business/commerce are the same thing) but the quality of teaching of 2u mathematics will be better at James Ruse, as opposed to Blacktown HS. I hope that makes sense, I apologise if I insulted you. Don't assume I am saying that...
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    UTS vs UNSW Business vs Commerce?

    Everyone above me is a fucking moron, don't listen to them. The degrees/majors are the same in essence. Obviously things will be differently taught etc as you would also find when comparing USYD/UNSW commerce, but UTS business is practically the same as UNSW/USYD commerce. UNSW is considered...
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    KPMG Cadetship or UNSW COOP?

    He's assuming people drop out so you can take their spot. I wouldn't consider it a realistic option, because first people have to drop it (I think ACCT co-op only need to maintain a C average) and then you'll have to interview for the position again
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    Banking internships 2009/10

    I didn't even know there were prop trading internships. Does he have any experience in the area?
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    KPMG Cadetship or UNSW COOP?

    co-op any day of the week and it isn't close
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    Graduate Job Hunting - Accounting

    Some one I know got a grad offer ($53,000) and they had a near pass average, no extra curricular activities (including no p/t job ever) and while he is not a bad person, he is far from confident/energetic etc that most places seem to ask for. If he can do it, there is hope for any one.
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    Question about WAM at UNSW

    If others have done it before you, it means its not impossible. Good luck