Search results

  1. H

    Should I repeat year 12?

    For christs sake do not go back to school. The reality is that you didnt get into the course you wanted. It is a hard reality and one i had to face as well. The thing is, year 12 doesnt tell you where you go, just how long it takes to get there. After skimming throught the unsw website, its...
  2. H

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    The easiest way to meet friends is to talk to them with a question. eg "Is this the <insert subject> lecture?" EVERYONE will be nervous and shy and waiting for someone to make the first move, so just strike up a convo. And dont feel bad that people are already in groups chatting etc and you...
  3. H

    Difference Between Advanced mathematics and engineering

    A math major would be taken in a BSci. What you do really depends on what type of maths you want to study, for example probability or differential calculus or linear algebra or you could then venture into the world of physics and learn quantum physics or something else. My point is you start off...
  4. H

    Generic University Questions

    Unless you can support yourself without working then by all means do it. I live at home and i work 15 hours a week which pays for my social life, petrol and my phone bill. Work is also great to break the monotony of uni No person can say whether you will change your mind. Its personal, and you...
  5. H

    What's an honours @ uni?

    its for high achieving students/a form of further study -3 year degrees, you may get offered to stay on another year to achieve 'honours' on top of your degree. -4 year degrees, its awarded based on academic merit. the better the marks, the better level of honours awarded to you. if you get...
  6. H

    Civil Engineering @ RMIT

    I can't say whether the management degree will be helpful for your employment, as its a very ambiguous question. If you plan on entering a managerial role later on then maybe, but only doing the single degree won't disadvantage you as an employer will look more at your work history rather than...
  7. H

    Rules for Customers

    I think this will cause debate, but if a charity calls you asking for donations then; 1. Don't bitch and moan about how i'm wasting your time. The people who need this money have more problems than you. 2. I raise money for kids with cancer. Explaining that you/a relative have/had cancer and...
  8. H

    When do you enroll at uni?

    you will have to enrol via proxy. its nothing painful, just you sign a letter the uni sends to you when they send the enrolment pack after your offer and it says that person x (a parent, friend, brother etc) is authorised to act on your behalf. So pick your subjects before you leave and then...
  9. H

    The 'After School Hangover'

    Its something that my mates and i were talking about last night, how we were all nostalgic about year 12, money is such an issue now, loss of friends, no house parties anymore, and basically the fact now we have to grow up and start making important decisions and life really isnt all its cracked...
  10. H

    How good is a GPA of 5?

    well a 5 is the equivilent of a credit average. Universities generally have a cutoff of a credit to be considered for a transfer, so your at the required level for them to consider you, but it is by no means a guarantee. In terms of individual degrees, its very ambiguous when it comes to...
  11. H

    Deakin Arts/Law vs Melbourne Arts with a JD eventually.

    yeah ive decided not to pursue deakin arts/law. i'm gonna do arts at melbourne (or monash, ive put that down as well) then work, then try and fasttrack a jd to 2 or 2 1/2 years
  12. H

    Deakin Arts/Law vs Melbourne Arts with a JD eventually.

    Hi, I've recently decided that after 2 years out of school and a year of Engineering I really don't want to study eng, nor work in the field. My interests have always lied with law and arts, and i purely did eng for the career prospects (shit idea, i know) So here's my dilemma. I'm trying to...
  13. H

    Why do people drink, smoke do drugs?

    Drink: It's a social lubricant, it tastes nice and theres nothing like a cold beer on a 40 degree day at a bbq. Smoke: It started off to 'look cool' and also a big fuck you to society/school/whoever. Now, i dont know why i do it. I'm addicted, and smoking now is more a social thing. I'll...
  14. H

    What are my chances

    mate, on this page thus far there are 6 posts, 2 from other people and 4 from you. please stop triple posting, quoting yourself, adding questions later on. This isnt me having a go at you, its just easier for us to read and decipher what your asking. In fact i was surprised this thread got to 4...
  15. H

    What's Better?

    you would have to do some form of qualification here in Australia in order to practice law here.. So it is a waste of time doing an overseas qualification if you dont intend to practice in that country. Slater and Gordon would accept a Usyd law grad over a Harvard law grad imo (obviously...
  16. H

    Exam - special consideration?

    i'd go to a second doctor and get a second opinion. 1 doc saying you should take the day off they may dismiss, but i have a feeling 2 saying the same thing might have more of a sway.
  17. H

    your current favourite song

    float on - modest mouse
  18. H

    Exams - plagiarism?

    plagiarism is plagiarism, regardless if its done in an exam or not, or if you did it by memory or had the copied material in front of you. However, if the original work was yours then go for your life and copy. Plagiarism is only passing someone elses hard work off as your own. I'm sure many...
  19. H

    How did you quit your job?

    the only thing that job gave me was a fairly extensive c*nt list of names and numbers of people that were just assholes on the phone. they get the occassional stoned prank at 3am.
  20. H

    How did you quit your job?

    1st job was at coles. they just reduced my shifts, then eventually gave me one shift every fortnight. so i went into my managers office and told him id stop working but would come back in 6 months during xmas once i'd done year 12 and he agreed that would be better. called them in november to...