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  1. D

    need advice..

    Your subject choices, and ranks, aren't terrible. Three things that could make it low... 1.) Your school is REALLY low-performing. 2.) Those subjects are only taken by the really low-performing people in your school 3.) ESL = not good scaling, and the others are equally not great scalers, but...
  2. D

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 Nooooooooooooo
  3. D

    online study group?

    I don't think it could work because ee1 has nine separate electives, and there are probably about 9 active 2007'ers. I doubt someone doing "the language of sport" could help someone doing "crime fiction" and so on... Maybe if your thinking of making a study group, divide it up by elective?
  4. D

    Is anybody doing Retreat From The Global?

    Yeah I meant style not level...I never said I liked it or supported it, but its what our teachers have directly told us is needed... You're saying its not at all for the HSC, and that may be the case, but thats not gonna help me pull up the assessment marks in the half-yearlies and trials...
  5. D

    Is anybody doing Retreat From The Global? half-yearly on it isnt for another 12 days, I must seem relatively lucky. BUT I AM GETTING PISSED. Did a practise exam for homework...only 18/25 for the essay, but kicked ass in the creative (23/25)... The problem is that no one seems to know how to write the essays they want to...
  6. D

    If English wasn't compulsory, would you do it?

    No need to get angry, I'm just trying to be the only person here who actually wants to stick up for english. I listed the good things it does, why they are necessary, and how compulsory english helps for uni applications. If you disagree that english either doesnt teach things, that they are...
  7. D

    If English wasn't compulsory, would you do it?

    Now for all of you people who think english is "stupid" and just want to get back to your maths, phys and chem; English improves your ability to write (spelling, punctuation, etc...), your writing speed, your ability to construct a logical arguement, familiarity with other text types (e.g...
  8. D

    Which movie reminds you of your life?

  9. D

    the best friend..and the brother

    On the threesome point... Incest is all relative.
  10. D

    Virginia Tech Shootings (Merged)

    Do you remember that "God Hates Fags" site? They're planning to picket the funerals of all the victims of the massacre, claiming that God wanted them to die because they allowed fags to go to the university. Craziness...
  11. D

    Moving to sydney-eastern suburbs after HSC 2007.

    So you're saying Redfern is nicer than, say, Vaucluse?
  12. D

    How did you go in your Economics half-yearly?

    Wow am I the only person with half yearlies in term two? Mines not til the 11th May... Plenty of time before I need to start studying. Any leet tips for someone who NEEDS to get 90, to make up for an 18/30 in the last assessment :(
  13. D

    Moving to sydney-eastern suburbs after HSC 2007.

    Bondi rocks, I live there! But yeah, damn expensive... I wouldn't want to be forking out the rent for it... In the more "working suburban" areas of the east, say halfway between bondi beach and bondi junction, or south towards kingsford, or out towards randwick, you should be able to find...
  14. D

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    In order of sadness, I will be sad if I don't get 99.55 (Law at SydU) As thats almost certainly not going to happen, I won't be too sad. I will be EXTREMELY sad if i dont get 97 (Law at ANU, or fee-paying law at SydU) I would quit life if i Didn't get 88 (Arts at SydU) But what the hell, on...
  15. D

    Assessment, Though if this is wrong shoot me!!

    Ways of thinking = dominant paradigms. Show how they are reflected in TSN. Then show how they are manipulated to reflect the author's personal opinions on RFTG. If you want I could write a specific example/para?
  16. D

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 He's with the rednut, and yes re-read right away!!! It's a shame, in the movies hermione is damn hot. OK, more on topic questions... Will we see Victor Krum again?
  17. D

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 Dobby is a good-natured but masochistic nuissance that would only become funnier if he had his limbs removed. I think its fairly clear that HP will beat LV (I mean really, can you see Harry carking it and evil taking over the world in a...
  18. D

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 Luckily my only media incidence was as the subject of a muffins add in the womens weekly at age 9. Does your brilliant career consist of becoming Minister of Magic? OMG that was even more atrocious HP knowledge, sorry :( And back on...
  19. D

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 Please tell me you didn't actually giggle when you said that :( Also my credentials outstrip anyone you're likely to encounter. My HP knowledge is fairly scary. But then if I went around establishing a club, people would know :O
  20. D

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 Oh wow I'm so in. What parts are left available? Why does the wait have to be SOO long!?