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  1. R

    Does God exist?

    i will suspend my disbelief for a second and say this: God is our father and he's nowhere to be found. People like me have no objection to accept him and love him, but we require more proof, more care than spontaneous believers. The arguments that we are not open to him or that we have to find...
  2. R

    Does God exist?

    but we're such imperfect creatures! if his embrace is as loving as you make it out t be, if his mercy knows no bounds, then why are we punished for being merely human?
  3. R

    Does God exist?

    and because we would be etrnally damned to hell otherwise~ (a) If he really wants us to acknowledge his existence and love him, if he wants us to fell that he deserves our love why doesn't he show himself more? and (b) Why would he be forced to punish us if we didn't? If he sent all evil...
  4. R

    The best movie lines

    Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter...
  5. R

    Does God exist?

    lol i would't mind a response. but we can agree to disagree~
  6. R

    Does God exist?

    I would say that it's Christians in general who think of God in the most 'human, worldly terms'. The Christian conception of God often suggests that worshipping him, acknowledging him is, like you said, necessary for salvation and that God is 'good' and 'loves us'. I can really only...
  7. R

    Procreation of the hereditarily disabled

    yes, we know this is possible. the issue, though, is whether people who know that they will birth affected babies should be encouraged to go through with it anyway.
  8. R

    Extension Two Day

    it was quite useful, the reflection statement stuff in particular
  9. R

    Procreation of the hereditarily disabled

    i agree with you, freedom should be the primary concern here. i'm still not sold though, what about the freedom of the eventual child to live a fulfilled healthy life? @forks: interesting idea. abstinence FOR THE GREATER GOOD. afaik that wont work with herditary diseases (citation needed?)
  10. R

    Procreation of the hereditarily disabled

    I wanted a poll :(:(:( answer yes or no or undecided in your posts plz EDIT: somebody seriously needs to fix this 'two minutes after post' polling rule
  11. R

    Procreation of the hereditarily disabled

    Hereditary (either totally debilitating or mortal) diseases are difficult burdens to bear. If you had a condition, say cystic fibrosis or huntington's disease, that had a high chance of passing on genetically to your children or grand-children, would you subject, nay, sentence your offspring to...
  12. R

    Does God exist?

    lol I like how he says 'sort of' an ideology. ALSO, I fear my wall of text is being sadly ignored :(:(:(~~ give me an answer, religious bosers!
  13. R

    Does God exist?

    hahaha will keep in mind!
  14. R

    Does God exist?

    I had an interesting discussion with a christian friend which basically boils down into this neat summary: I asked her why the Lord of all creation/God/Jesus (all fictitions aside) demands from his intelligent creations, that were (and lets not forget this) modestly made in his own image...
  15. R

    Recycled water for drinking: for or against?

    trick question lololololol
  16. R

    should all corpses be used as a biofuel?

    like in brave new world? you know what, i actually agree with you on this one. corpses wont be doing anything in the ground, death is nothing but the end of life. why not use bodies as biofuel?
  17. R

    Women boozing is not sexually attractive to men

    depends on how wasted i am
  18. R

    Album of the Decade?

    songs for the deaf is one that really shouldve been mentioned earlier
  19. R

    TV On The Radio

    Suddenlee-hee, all your history's ablaze Try to breath as the world disintegrates!