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  1. R

    A question of mortality

    well, over the course we wouldn't knowhow a brain works over a million years. But during a normal human lifetime our core neural pathways become so entrenched and reinforced with the reasoning slash unconscious thought that we've undergone, that it becomes almost impossible for many older...
  2. R

    A question of mortality

    That would be one of the major drawbacks, watching everybody you know and love die. And there's only so much memory your mind can possibly store, so unless you kept really really detailed diaries, the majority of your time would be a blur. You'd walk down the street, see a statue of yourself...
  3. R

    A question of mortality

    hm, I would probably regret immortality about halfway through, like tom hanks in the green mile. but before that, as humanity crumbled around you, you would be the wellspring of all human wisdom and history leading the survivors of a shattered world to a blissful future. and, fuck it would be...
  4. R

    A question of mortality

    good point. i would go find some hot aliens (to have copious amounts of sex with for 950,000 years). would anyone actually choose death?
  5. R

    A question of mortality

    surely at some point all humans would die out???
  6. R

    Album of the Decade?

    I think if there was a poll, it would be genre of music rather than actual album. that being said, i'm sure obscure indie shit in general would be the winner.
  7. R

    A question of mortality

    I should've also asked: what would you do to pass this time? to the society, humankind, the world etc.
  8. R

    A question of mortality

    Imagine a scenario where you discovered that you would die tomorrow. At the same time, however, you, and only you, were given a means to halt death for let's say one million years (a deal with the devil? an undiscovered chemical compound? doesn't matter). You would stay the same age, you would...
  9. R

    Most Beautiful Women

    from that list? obviously charlize. though winona rider would come a close second/
  10. R

    Album of the Decade?

    i agree that american idiot was quite defining (and yes, groucho marxist, what i want to know is the album that defined a generation, not necessarily the best ones) in that it sparked off plenty of anti-america anti-west ignorance. also i quite enjoy daftpunk despite my semi-hipsterness (minus...
  11. R

    Album of the Decade?

    it is overrated but still pretty great. though if this is the decade of heavy, inaccessible (to some at least) experimentation, then strawberry jam will come out on top. peacebone peacebone peacebone bonefish.
  12. R

    Album of the Decade?

    i agree with you on your definition of defining. though i wouldn't be surprised if shitty good charlotte jonas brothers pop (+ twilight) does in fact define the 00s as the generation for the pre-pubescent girl
  13. R

    best sex scene

    Roxanne Carr, the Jewel of Xanadu.
  14. R

    Album of the Decade?

    well, i mean it's quite easy to say, despite your musical preference, that Nevermind was the definitive album of the early 90s, and that came out in '91. why can't we do the same thing for this decade? (but, again, lets not turn this into a discussion about 90s music)
  15. R

    Album of the Decade?

    i was also thinking Kid A. maybe we really are in the alternative brit/general indie decade. i'd love to add something by Mogwai (Mr. Beast lol) or Strawberry Jam, Animal Collective but i don't really see them as 'defining' enough.
  16. R

    Album of the Decade?

    beauty queen of only eighteen she had some trouble with herseeelf
  17. R

    Album of the Decade?

    in the latter half of the decade it's probably about time where we can opine the musical album/genre that defined the 00s let's not turn this into a 'what defined xx decade thread', what i want to know is what you guys think has dominated the musical scene of 2000 onwards (obviously they...
  18. R


    well, the bends is actually one of my favourite albums in general: The Bends > Hail to the Thief > OK Computer = Kid A > In Rainbows > Amnesiac > Pablo Honey imo
  19. R


    i'm listening to planet telex right now. and fuck myxomatosis is a brilliant song