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  1. K

    simple harmonic motion proof help

    so it wouldn't be necessary to do the extra 4 steps? coz they do that in fitzpatrick and i wans't too sure whether it was required.
  2. K

    Way Behind

    not a bad idea :) someone in yr12 told me (and i haven't verified whether it's true or not) that last an ext 1 student had an internal assessment of around 30% and yet gained an aligned mark of 90 (or 45). the difference between him and the top guy was apparently around 50-60%. can this...
  3. K

    I wish...

    i did yr10 and yr11 work in the same year (except we didn't really go through much yr10 stuff). this year, i'm aiming to get 117+/120 in the hsc exam. an accelerant the year ahead of me came equal top in 2U and so his teacher came to me and said "it'd be good if u could keep it going and come...
  4. K

    simple harmonic motion proof help

    just on that note: if u get x"=-n<sup>2</sup>(x-a), can u leave it like that and simply say it undergoes SHM? or do u have to go further and say let X=x-a .'. X"=x" .'. x"=-n<sup>2</sup>X which is of the form -n<sup>2</sup>x .'. it undergoes SHM?
  5. K

    HSC 2002 3unit maths solutions

    1. you might be able to find solutions in the bos resources section 2. buy successone hsc maths ext 1 or the mansw book.
  6. K

    Year 11 past papers

    smart :) but then again i'd probably be pretty worn out after doing a few past papers in one weekend. one per week would be enough for me.
  7. K

    is this ridiculous, or just a rumor?

    when i chose my subjects i figured that 3 units wouldn't count and whether i chose business or physics, more than likely it wouldn't count. and i'd be better of doing business (for my planned career and uni)....probably won't count as part of the top 10 unless i get 95+ in it though.
  8. K

    Way Behind

    we've only done 40% of our assessment, and so 3 marks is around 7%, so after 100% of the assessments have been done, i'm predicting that the gap will extend to around 7 or 8 - which is way behind :)
  9. K

    Way Behind

    in my class there are 9, but in total (including ext 2 students and the yr12s ahead of me) there are 36 i think. the guy behind me is around 3.2 behind (after weighting - we've done 40% of our assessment) although, some guys in my class have a "don't care, i'm gonna repeat it" attitude and...
  10. K

    Idea For Maths Textbooks

    it was just a thought that crossed my mind. :) nvm.
  11. K

    Does ranking affect your hsc/uai marks

    no. they use the rankings in the subject within the grade + the relative differences between each student.
  12. K

    Way Behind

    In Maths Ext 1, the difference in marks between 1st and 2nd is 0.8, but then the difference between 2nd and me is 2.7 - the person coming 4th is another 3.2 marks behind me. Would that mean that at this rate, I'd be affected a fair bit by aligning and moderating?
  13. K

    Idea For Maths Textbooks

    I don't know if anyone else has wondered the same thing as me, but I think it would be a good idea if authors of maths textbooks put estimated mark values next to each question (if they were placed in an HSC exam or assessment). For me, it would be quite useful. And I'm sure students using the...
  14. K

    Year 11 past papers

    i wonder if u can take loans out on them. otherwise it would cost like $100 just to photocopy them.
  15. K

    Year 11 past papers

    i'm not too sure whether that advice will hold up amongst the majority of students :)
  16. K

    is this ridiculous, or just a rumor?

    there might be some people who are smart and enjoy the low-scaled subjects. in that respect, i guess they're just unlucky (but the only uni course u'd be excluded from is Law at USyd i think). as u can by my sig, my aim is 99.85 :):) and i do business studies (below average scaling). however...
  17. K

    Does ranking affect your hsc/uai marks

    Re: IPT i guess posting it 5 times means that it really is concerning u... but as laz has told me and will tell u (if u happen to ask a 6th time) that scaling is simply a means of making the hsc fair for everyone. and as long as u enjoy the subject and perform at a fair level above...
  18. K

    Quick Question

    :) yea, i probably would too in an exam. as u can see from my post above, i didn't think of doing it that way until i saw this thread. as for finding out to use cos3x - i've done a question like this works for sin<sup>3</sup>x too.
  19. K

    Quick Question

    ah well. it's better to have all methods rather than just one :) to be honest, i actually didn't think of breaking it down into cosxcos<sup>2</sup>x ... i guess i just missed the obvious.
  20. K

    Quick Question

    lol. btw. how do u integrate sin<sup>2</sup>xcosx? using integration by substitution?