Oh man. I'm the same. I had a beautiful blonde friend who would just turn heads and cars when we're together. Even the sales guy would just concentrate on her when we went shopping.
You know what I did? I pretended those were aimed at me! I pretended to be confident and didn't care about her...
I don't understand it all, really. There's no reason why we can't keep them. You can collect anything you want to collect, so long as they aren't dead bugs or anything sick.
(Where's this basic right, before we even move onto human rights?!)
What a bunch of weirdos. Just because they...
Oh I should tell you guys about this one.
Back in early 2005 - you know how those train passes doesn't expire until March 31? Okay...well, we got the new ones early. Brown ones that year.
I'd been collecting through my 6 years of school.
...but I thought of just finish the old green...
I'm not a yes-person but I agree with what you've said.
There is absolute truth, but we're all blinded by the material world. I'm happy with my following the truth, but if others want something different, then well, they're still learning in this life. No rush.
Yeah, there is universal right and wrong...where like, 99% of the sane population wouldn't do a particular thing, such as outright cold murder.
There're other issues, like abortion, euthanasia...that people'll always debate about.
I was aiming straight and only at the abortion debate...
I agree with you - I wouldn't respect the belief alone, but I'd be okay with their right to choose. I't an awkward place lol.
I didn't mean a personal "outlash" when I'd said "respect people and don't judge", I hadn't read any other posts, really, but thought I'd add my 2 cents worth without...
I know...
but in my opinion, it does affect two, just because someone cannot speak doesn't mean they don't know about it all.
I just meant that...well, respect people's choices and beliefs, yeah?!...whether they think it's one or two.
Around 3 months...?! The end of the embryonic stage.
Ovum or Germinal Stage, Embryonic Stage, Fetal Stage...but they're all stages of pregnancy and thus the woman's carrying a growing baby.
If you're non-religious then this may just be a political or moral debate for you but if you are...
There're a lot of "weirdness" in Christianity which has turned me away...if I asked a Christian about what I don't understand, they'd just go on about what they know but in reality, try to convert me.
That's biased.
There's a lot of mysteries in the religion.
From a Buddhist point of...
I migrated here when I was younger for the education, not the politics.
As a bilingual or more, I'd have a better future. Ten years ago China was all about globalization, like, it was a totally new idea and my family knew that the people of our generation would want to one day work overseas...
Why did you want to go to the red light district anyway?! As decent people, we steer clear of those places, but some are obviously a bit more..err...open-minded. China's all about being civil and straight and all. It's a shame that these places exist. China isn't like Australia, where visitors...
Re: Boycott of Olympics
Excuse me, but why should everyone follow the west?! Why can't we all be ourselves?! If we don't rely on relativism, then you're certainly suggesting that the west has the absolute sense of human rights, so who's self-indulgent then?! Some aspects of human rights...
Hmmm...yeah valid to the extent with a goal to "beat" another's argument. Both arguments may be valid, but if one's twisted to hail another's down, then I can't see how it can be valid in the same way.
There's only one Truth, though, but people believe in what they choose to believe, not...
Lol, I didn't want to be rude, but I was pointing to certain members of the thread.
Don't detour the criticisms, man.
Everyone has the right to post HERE IN AUSTRALIA. Don't somehow get off on a dodgy tangent and saying that China doesn't allow you to do so. Also, "fair go" is an...
Well, if the sources are manipulated then they'd be tipping towards the government wouldn't they?! Instead, we've got so many reports about how Tibet's been victimised, doesn't work out there.
...and how would you feel if someone insulted you personally on something you're passionate about...