You realise I mean like sneaker sneakers not running shoes
If you meant sneaker sneakers then I have no idea what you're talking about because I think they look fine lol...what else are you supposed to wear sneakers with?
If you mean running shoes then I wholeheartedly agree...I think thats...
Haha shit so much rage from the supermarket workers. But I feel you're pain I use to work on a some people are soo dumb and irritating. And I totally get the green bags thing..even though I worked there over 2 years ago they are still my most hated memory haha
Haha yeah that is weird I'd never haggle in a store. I can't remember if anyones ever asked me for a discount. One time someone was 5c short and they asked me if that was ok. I was like uhh not really? And then he just stood there I was like uh..? Ok.
And another time a guy was like 50c short...
Lol I get the EDR thing...if someone 'Do you have an EDR card?' you wouldn't say no thanks. Its like if someone says 'Do you have the time?' you wouldn't say no thanks lol.
The best part about the self serve checkouts is that you can skip that screen ;)
Yeah for sure call them up..I wouldn't beg but just say you've finished your studies and were wondering if there was a possibility of you coming back to work. I doubt they'd say no because you already know how to do most things so I'm sure it would be fine.
A cook at my work just came back...
If I am standing in Big W looking at items wearing a green t shirt I DO NOT WORK THERE!!
haha today I was minding my own business in big w looking at something and this lady (yes she was old) comes up to me and asks where she can find something..I was like uh..I think its over there and she...
We can't do cash out stop asking and when we say no don't get all pissed! AHH haha
Also dpn't stand there for five hours then say I'll.....get......a.........zinger. I swear to god some guy did that yesterday FARK he spoke SO SLOWLY
If you're going for a franchise store most of them only allow you to apply online...this applies to fast food, supermarkets, any of the big chains etc etc
If its a smaller shop look for signs in the window or simply hand your resume in to the owner/manager.
Seek and that are ok but I've found...
Media/Digital Production degree would help. I'm at Macquarie doing media...going to major in production.
If you are really really keen best thing to do is make your own movies! You can't just walk onto a set you need to know what you're doing and the best way to do it is start small. Set up a...
Haha screwing up a sub is like sacreligious. I'm a subway addict and I want my sub to be perfect..I hate it when the bread gets toasted too much, they don't put enough sauce on, they don't add the right amount of salad etc. Kinda sad how much I know about subway considering I don't work there...
Yeah thats the same as me...I like most of the people I work with and the managers but most of the customers are terrible. Some are pretty good though..the regulars.
Btw I watched your VA cool! What was the footage from?