From email:
From January, an annual pass for campus parking will cost $220 ($190 in 2009), while a half-yearly pass will cost $130 ($110 in 2009). Monthly passes will cost $70 ($60 in 2009), and a premium parking pass ? with a guaranteed parking space ? will now cost $795 ($700 in 2009). There...
Thanks for that
Dammit I'm overseas when it's class registration but hopefully I'll be with my friend then so I can use her computer.
Does anyone know if class timetables for next year are up?
Btw does anyone know whats happening with the media degree now that its changing...I'm so...
Yes most places (large chains) only accept online applications.
I applied online for my current job, was asked for an interview within a week and got the job after the interview within a yes 2 weeks from applying.
If you want to get some retail experience aswell then somewhere like Vinnies is good.
If you like animals then Monikas Doggie Rescue, Animal Welfare League or RSPCA
Nursing homes, meals on wheels, gardening for elderly
You can also sometimes do office volunteering which is good experience as...
Oh wow I finally worked out how I got into my course haha..I'm a bit slow.
Yes I'd say you have a good chance cos I was .1 off my course cut off with the bonus points.
I thought it was really good. More for the fact that if you're lucky people in your mentor group may share some classes with you so at least you know one face when you get to your first lecture.
Yeah MAS105
Even if I give myself a borderline pass for the marks I don't know it still means I got 3.5/10 for the evaluation which I doubt.
Yeah I need to email Liz.
The only reason I'm dissapointed is cos I tried really hard in the subject...went to every tute and almost every lecture and the...
I think thats what happened to me :(
Well from a Pass to a PC
Otherwise they made a mistake or a got 0 in my evaluation (I don't even think thats possible lol)
Will emailing the course convenor help or should I not bother?
Sorry the only one I can help you with is the student card.
When you go to orientation/enrolment you will be shown all this.
For student cards you have to print out proof of your enrolment and take it to a room in C5C (Can't remember the exact one but there are big signs up) and they take...
I agree. I'm fairly lazy and didn't care much through year 12. Ended up getting 77. Now I'm at uni and I'm basically getting Passes..which is ok but not great. The only subjects I've gotten credits in were ones I actually enjoyed (luckily I'm majoring in one of them).
If you're not willing to...
Well fair enough.
Honestly I think you should stay in school even for just one more year.
I think uni life will be very hard for a 14/15 year old. Most people do a lot of maturing between 14/15 and 18/19 so you're on a different wave length.
You could always do the HSC again through TAFE or...