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  1. B


    Yeah, that was ridiculous. Chonan must have had that in the back of his mind all fight, and then just thought "Screw it, if I don't win now I'm not gonna win ever..." That heelhook was DEEP too, look at the angle of his knee...
  2. B

    Anyone here do strength training?

    So does anyone here do proper strength training exercises? None of these homo bicep curls and 123141-rep ab exercises... I'm talking squats, deadlifts, bench and overhead presses, power cleans, weighted pullups, etc.
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    Muay Thai/Boxers

    ewww POWERKARATE sounds like a bad idea. MCDOJO. try to find a legit Muay Thai or BJJ place, you'll thank yourself for it later.
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    healthy alcohol

    so everyone knows - the 'beer belly' people get from drinking a lot is caused by the actual alcohol. alcohol contains as much energy per gram as fat, and the amount of energy in the carbs is reasonably negligible. that said, if you want minimum energy per alcohol content, straight spirits are...
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    What are your diet routines?

    5 Meals a day for me (only 2 huge ones), carbs, protein and veggeez... And just whatever fat comes along with the meals really.. 22000 kj/day <5% body fat work that one out, Jenny Craig..
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    Boxing thread

    i did a few months of it then stopped, i train MMA now.. but i like to get the gloves on and have a good ol' box, it's great fun
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    UFC 1??? Are you nuts? Do you by any chance mean The Ultimate Fighter 1? UFC 1 was in the 90s, and involved Royce Gracie smashing 300kg people whilst wearing a gi.
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    Boxing thread

    my old boxing coach fought pacman about 10 years ago for a title :D he got KOed :P i've since quit boxing.. anyone who can't even beat manny pacquiao isn't good enough to train me... but meh, MMA > :p
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    How tall are you?

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    wat are the best suppliments

    FUCKING STEAK nah, if you're talking protein and creatine... any whey protein isolate. combined with some creatine if you're that way inclined.
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    what the hell? andrei arlovski and chieck congo do not far outclass brock... and i really dont like brock there is a real absence of good super heavyweights in mma :( if only roger gracie would switch :p anyway, bring on the nog show imo on another note, how good are jacare / demian maia?!?!
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    hmm I don't think any of those guys greatly outclass Silva, other than Fedor. Be nice to see him vs GSP though... On a loosely-related note, That's my plug :p
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    BMI question

    yeah, BMI is really nothing to go by.
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    lemon detox diet?

    lol, FAD DIET. laugh so hard at anyone who diets.
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    healthy alcohol

    Tooheys Old.
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    Muay Thai/Boxers

    For anyone interested in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: u18 openweight state champ here ^_^ - Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I train at the North Sydney gym, training BJJ is one of the best decisions I've ever made... On a side note, if people are interested in which martial...
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    An explanation of weights training

    So I've seen a lot of people here that are interested in getting fit, and guys who want to get buff etc. I found a site that shows pretty good technique for different exercises and explains what part of the body they work. The dude's a bit gay but he really...
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    losing weight?

    Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight? I have the best body out of everybody on BOS.