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  1. B

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Short legs should make your squat higher, not lower... Shorter range of motion... maybe get your form checked out? because that sounds very odd.
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    They all require a straight back? Wow, you should let all of the strongest people in the world know that they're doing it wrong!
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    Motivational tips for bodybuilders!!

    Who are you and how much do you curl?
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    My gym workout

    What's a deadlift? I was talking about my sweet abs...
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    My gym workout

    Don't be silly.
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    My gym workout

    I am a perfect physical specimen.
  7. B

    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    I can get the backs of some cars off the ground (not really move them) and I pull 230. Funny story though, at a party a few months ago myself and a friend who pulls about 170 moved a car that was parallel parked out to 90 degrees, kinda... blocking the road. Long story short, the cops came...
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    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    Yeah, I think most of my friends see me as a superficial meathead now. Haha. I don't really care. I can move their cars.
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    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    Well yeah, but being paraplegic isn't often because of a lack of strength...
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    Home gym set

    Yeah, and I think soccer players would be much more likely to see a doc. :D
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    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    Exactly my point? How is being strong polar to being paraplegic?
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    Home gym set

    ...That's a pretty dumb statement to make. What if it's a serious 65-year-old 67.5kg lifter? I'm a "serious" lifter and I only deadlift 230kg.
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    Home gym set

    Damnit, I shoulda told that to the guys at my gym when I cracked a 20kg plate a few months back. :( Have you proposed to Mark Rippetoe yet? That statistic is also skewed by the fact that most lifters aren't pussies, so would only admit to being "injured" if it stops them from lifting.
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    Is there a limit on how big your muscles grow?

    Second to that would be your ability to regurgitate sentences from Starting Strength... I really disagree with Rip on that statement.
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    Home gym set

    And you think that this is just as safe as squatting in a power rack? You think there's not much risk of cracking/breaking plates? What if you were to lose the weight forwards rather than backwards?
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    Home gym set

    Not if you can deadlift 200+ kg!
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    Super high intense work outs

    sounds like a pretty bad routine. bro.
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    Strict, about 82.5kg. I locked out 105kg overhead last week, but I don't even know what to call it. I guess it was a push jerk with a pressout.
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    Home gym set

    I would hate to try a linear progression programme, especially squatting, without having a power rack or a spotter.
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    Home gym set

    Benching 100kg... probably not. But I have 100% confidence that you could squat 100kg within 6 months of proper training.