For anyone whos taking computer science, I just have a couple of questions to ask. How difficult is the degree overall? (mainly the maths component), What do you in the class/lectures offered? and finally Do you need to have coding knowledge prior to entering the degree?
Yo wassup, My goal is to get a band 6 in economics. I am currently in year 11 and starting year 12 next term. Could anyone who has or is knowledgeable in economics share some tips and strategies that can be implemented to achieve a band 6? E.g; amount of work needed for a b6, how to ace reports...
Haha yeah I shouldn't have cheated but if you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?
Whats up everyone. So I just finished my prelim exams, and I felt as though I didn't do that great in them due to minimal study and my arbitrary laziness. My goal is to get a 90 ATAR. I am wondering as to how I will prepare the transition from year 11 to year 12 and to make a comeback in my...