Agreed, its a pain in the ass. I literally should have done any other science, but it is what it is. I just cant imagine doing physics next year with a teacher who encourages students to drop if they arent capable of achieving a band 6.
"How does yeats use contrast to explore personal and political concerns in his poetry". This is the question for the practice essay that our teacher provided us, and im stuck on confused on it. Could anyone help me understand what the question is asking
How do i study for a test? Specifically for a content heavy subject like legal or eco. So far I have no study notes for each subject (but I have class notes). Do i perhaps need to write my own study notes for the WHOLE syllabus for each or can I get away with using the notes in this website. I...
I am currently in year 11 doing advanced maths. I plan on doing computer science in UNSW, but according to many people you need to take ext 1 maths to cope with the maths involved. But according to the UNSW bridging course info, it says that a person who achieves 86 or above in advanced maths is...
As someone who does both heres what I can say. Economics is probably the most content heavy subject in the HSC, and business studies is some what content heavy. Economics scales way more than business (comparable to physics and chemistry), whilst business scales not that great. Personally I...
The fact that people have to discuss about pronouns shows the vulnerability and insanity of this generation. You are either a 'he' or a 'she', not 'they' and not 'kitten'.