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    The Official 2010 Pre-HSC/Trials Rage-Quit Thread

    Haha, i don't like coffee but i had to that day to stay awake for school and tutoring. :( Don't know why it forces me to empty my bladder every hour or two. :( haha, i realised, just this morning when i woke up at 4am. I can't remember much of Yesterday! Omg, this is terrible, i must start...
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    The Official 2010 Pre-HSC/Trials Rage-Quit Thread

    i know, haha. i got a headache now. I ended up sleeping for 11 hours all together when i got home at 8pm. I couldn't even concentrate when i was studying for chem at the library, so i jumped on their computers and did chem there. I also did some practise for ext. response but the teacher was...
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    The Official 2010 Pre-HSC/Trials Rage-Quit Thread

    ahh gawd kill mee... no sleep, then full day of school, then study after school for assessment then tutoring. then 7:30home for dinner tonight and HOPEFULLY SLEEP AT 8pm. I studied so much yesterday/today(12am-now)that i ended up not sleeping...grrrr HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS? The pressure...
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    How long does it take to thoroughly study a Eco Chapter?

    Well, if it's a long topic then about 6~ hours of note making and revision and short topic about 4~ hours. I'd study spread the studying though over two days for the chapter.
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    The Official 2010 Pre-HSC/Trials Rage-Quit Thread

    OMG it's 4am already. I've been studying since 1pm when school finished. OMGGGG and i don't think i can sleep now [i won't wake up for school! :(] There goes my sleeping patterns again! I'm going to continue studying till like 7am or so until school starts at 8ish and then after school, straight...
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    The Official 2010 Pre-HSC/Trials Rage-Quit Thread

    OMGGGG HOW DO i make an essay plan for economics? 2 extended responses.... do i just make an essay plan for each topic of 1 page? i'm stuffed because i have an eco essay assessment coming up and i am hungry..
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    share your feelings! :)

    SO STRESSED AND SO LITTLE SLEEP!! BEEN studying 6hours+ after school and 8 hours already today. 3 hours in a row with no break...Oh goddd can't wait till thursday night to just sleep early. i can't even type a message coherently...just so tired from studying.. Two assessmetns this week and...
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    WHEN are the trials?

    Well, i'm sure most of you covered all the work necessary for the trials in class. I for one, missed most of a term's work because i was very ill and had to catch up in my own time over the holidays. SO, yeah, you guys will do better than me. :)
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    friends/family of your S.O

    lol, don't be so mean to your brother. I'm sure there are better ways of getting your brother to stop messing with your gf.
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    Is anyone confident that they will perform well in the UMAT?

    I didn't apply for UMAT. I'm sitting GAMSAT but i'm not confident about performing well in that. haha.
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    friends/family of your S.O

    lol, i know many brothers do sound the same lol. I've had troubles too with that. CALL MOBILES ONLY and if u must call home phones, this is what i do. Tell him (in person) that you guys will have a secret code, that must be exchanged with one another to know that you are talking to him and...
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    WHEN are the trials?

    5 for me. so i got like 27 days to study.
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    Economic lecture by Dr. Kim from Usyd

    Hey, i was at this lecture. I was the tall white girl who didn't stop giggling through his lecture, sorry to those who had to put up with me. Well, structural reforms don't have an instantaneous effect on the economy. Also, he mentioned if Greece were to change their currency system from the...
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    lol, i don't want to miss anything lol. I was very sick for a term and i missed out a lot of work. So, i'm just going over the work i actually never covered either in class or on my own. Projectile motion is top of the list. :(
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    x=Vtcos@ and y=Vtsin@-(gt^2)/2 haha yeah, that but there's more to it then those. Thanks though. :)
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    Assiduous - Physics, Economics and Chemistry - What I Will Do. + Questions

    [Only for people who are screwed in work to time ratio] Deathless' idea. Please forgive me if this isn't allowed. But I'm just going to post what form of work I am going to do until my Trials, and if I post it; I think it's sorta like a promise to myself and BoredOfStudies (although I don't...
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    TRIALS -- Is it too late to start writing up notes?

    WOW! I've only actually started making notes for economics and chemistry these holidays. SO from what i gather from others, people are using other people's notes and synthesising into their own and using past papers? Is this what i should do for physics, chemistry, economics? use other's...
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    lol, me too. I got a few 20% assessments in the first two weeks of school. One for chem and the other for eco. Then the trials. BUT GUYS, I NEED HELP WITH PROJECTILE MOTION! PLEASE MSG ME IF YOU CAN BE OF ANY ASSISTANCE OR REPLY IN THIS THREAD. caps thanks. :)
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    Things that annoy you.

    Mentally ill people around me, driving me crazy because i can't actually criticise or say anything negative out of fear of causing a suicide etc... :(