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    HSC Timetable 2010

    My timetable could be worse i suppose. I have 3 exams in a row to finish up but if i had not dropped Legal it would have been 4 subjects in a row.
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    How can I stop myself from waking up in the afternoon and sleeping in the morning?

    What Time Do You Guys Think I Should Go To Sleep Tonight If I Want To Wake Up At 6am Tomorrow? The other day i got out of bed at 8pm for breakfast and went to sleep the next day at 8am. Then i woke up at like 5pm and slept at 7am. Finally, i woke up yesterday at about 4pm and it's 9:34am and...
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    Disorder tests?

    Disorder | Rating Paranoid: High Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: High Dependent: Very High Obsessive-Compulsive: High URL of the test: Personality Disorder Test - Personality Test URL for more...
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    Studying for trials efficiently and sleeping well.

    I know right?! :( It's ( 9:27am and i can't go to bed. I was tired at 7am as per usual these holidays but i know i need to snap out of this pattern before school starts and so that i stop getting missed calls and end up waking up when the sun sets! I will do my best to stay awake all day...
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    Studying for trials efficiently and sleeping well.

    How can I stop myself from waking up in the afternoon and sleeping in the morning? It's 9 and i haven't slept since waking up at 5PM in the afternoon yesterday. Lately I have been waking up in the afternoon (anywhere between 4-5 PM) and then I don't feel tired at all until 7 AM. I've tried to...
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    LOL, well i only started making my own notes for these subjects lol from the syllabus. Without much success though. I have heaps of trial papers to get through too. :( *sigh* not a good holiday.
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    Can i possibly get a link to her speech for the prescribed text?
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    lol, today i decided to study for my Learner's license. After several attempts i managed to get full marks on the DKT. I hope i can get my Learner's license out of the way first and then i need to register to vote too and/or possibly lodge a tax return. :( *sigh* Hope i can get back into...
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    Who IS studying for trials and what are you doing?

    So far these holidays, it hasn't been going as well as it could have. CHEM: made notes on Production of Materials ECO: started notes on Employment that's it. :( But on the other hand, i've been getting hold of past papers to attempt. I hope to report when i have a day i've actually achieved...
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    :( I HOPE I make it to dentistry.... :( But i heard that for dentistry, you can have any...

    :( I HOPE I make it to dentistry.... :( But i heard that for dentistry, you can have any bachelor degree in any discipline to be eligible to sit GAMSAT and get into B Dent. Awww, so what did you choose and what was the ATAR cut-off for it? Hmm, that's good. keep me up to date. :) I heard in...
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    Your Ideal age to get married?

    I don't drink because i want to be fit and healthy. :)
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    Your Ideal age to get married?

    I don't drink because i want to be fit and healthy. :)
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    Help with finding parts for DC electric motor.

    Hi guys, does anyone know where i can get parts for my DC motor e.g. copper wire, MAGNETS (large ones), carbon brushes... I'm sooo lost. I can't find big magnets. :( Thanks guys for any help.
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    Aww. Thanks, lol. I heard the job prospects for MedSc aren't too good, if i don't get into...

    Aww. Thanks, lol. I heard the job prospects for MedSc aren't too good, if i don't get into Postgraduate Dentistry. Hehe, i searched but no luck. :( Do you know when the next USYD high school day is? I know there is this lecture next tues arvo which i'm going to. :D hehe
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    Whats the size of your...?

    lol, well, i'm relatively short compared to my dad and mum. :( It's not fair!
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    Your Ideal age to get married?

    Well, since i plan to do 8 years at uni. i say it would be 26+ before i become a dentist. Then, i'd say 28 would be a good age. :)
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    Yeah, around 92.05 ATAR. :( 5 Bonus points though. Do you know how the bonus points scheme works...

    Yeah, around 92.05 ATAR. :( 5 Bonus points though. Do you know how the bonus points scheme works though? Poor lady indeed. :( I reckon the truck driver might've had to be tested for alcohol.
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    should i drop ext 1 maths

    Haha, thanks. I'll prove you wrong!
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    Whats the size of your...?

    lol, yeah. Taking up the whole seat for TWO average-sized persons. Sitting diagonally is bothersome though.