Thanks. What marks do you think i need to get 87 ATAR (add bonus points) and get into MedSc @ USYD?
I know. Somehow, when i saw it, tears were forming in my eyes and i didn't even know her. The look on her face was erghhh indescribable but i'm sure she would be in excruciating pain bleeding...
You should drop it.
You would do so much better at 2 Unit.
For me, i did 3 unit and still am, but i regret keeping it. I have not passed a single 3 unit maths test but i'm hoping to pass one soon, as i had personal issues last year and most of this year.
But in your shoes, i would drop it.
I can't wait for uni - that's if, i make it to uni.
I managed to find an article online after i got home and searched the keywords of everything i saw.
Latest Media Releases - NSW Police Force
:O I'm sorry to hear.
You had uni or no?
haha, lol that'd would take some effort hehe.
I saw a woman on the Hume Highway get struck and trapped by a truck. She was in her 40s i think and blood everywherez! :(
lol, i was only using it to show that la bomba guy that the link leads to the acc. your signed in on showing up.
I was meant to take it off, after but i forgot and ended up sleeping.
I'll take it down now, if you like. :)