And you sound like an oxygen-deprived moron. The vast majority of the things that you say make no sense, and sound like they're dribbling from your mouth. Besides, I wasn't exactly talking to you either.
Yeah, whenever I eat an apple I have to cut it up into little pieces. Quite annoying. It's interesting about how lots of other people with braces eat sugar, too. Perhaps my dentist is merely paranoid.
I've had braces for a little over a year now, and I was wondering if any others have had dentists who have said sugar is completely off limits. See, a lot of my family and friends, who also have braces, say that their dentists allow them to eat sugar. My dentist said I'm not allowed to listen to...
Admittedly, I don't really know much about the biology of homosexuals and bisexuals. Although, it does sound like an interesting thing to learn about. But I always figured that the main two factors that contribute to any person's sexual orientation are:
1. Genes
2. Environment / Social...
Yeah, I guess so. But she really did write Scout's perspective well, didn't she? At least I thought so. Also, I figured that the main aim of the book was to veiw racism through a completely innocent and unbiased point of view, hence the ten-year-old girl. But yeah, I get what you mean. At times...
I haven't actually read The Great Gatsby, but my dad (who's a retired teacher) has been going on about it for ages. Apparently it's the greatest American novel ever written, although I'd say it would be hard to knock To Kill A Mockingbird from that position - in my own head, anyway. But it does...
Lol, yeah I know. Just doesn't mean they let her through because she cries like a toddler who's dropped her ice cream. At the very beginning of finals week, Julia started crying, remember?
Yeah, I'm a bit of a neat-freak actually. My friends often comment on it.
Okay, shake your head at me all you want. I don't really want to stay up all night going back and forth with you "You're wrong", "No, you're wrong!" Just know this, I do not love your god, and, unless he suddenly and...