Oh, don't be ridiculous. If you think that the majorty of people who fall pregnant and choose an abortion actually say that, you truly are puffin' muffins. People aren't actually that tedious. I'm sorry, but the rights of the child do not come before the rights of the woman. So too, for that...
I'm aggressive? You're the one who said that you'd like to kill me. I'm fifteen years old, for goodness sake.
We are not 'instructed' to love anything. I don't love homosexuals, I just accept them as a normal part of modern society. They require neither sympathy nor a shoulder to cry on -...
No. The only 'insane assertion' that I'm making, is that you people who think there's a god, and decide to judge everyone else based on what you think he said, are about as moral as Adolf Hitler. Oh sure, he believed he was doing the right thing...
Mankind isn't falling. Right now, I think the...
Life? Oh, its been ALIVE for a few weeks, so automatically (and because it is such a dear little thing) it's 'life' should be valued over that of the mother's. Who has been around longer, is loved by others and has a direction with her life.
And I'd say living with an abortion would be a lot...
If acting upon these 'temptations' is such a grave offence to god, why would god give it to these people in the first place? I don't understand. Why is it alright to have straight couples and not gay couples? Sorry, but I think every couple should have equal rights, no matter what other people's...
Sorry to kick a dead horse, but...
That's an ethical opinion. Opinions have no place in a factual debate concerning something as serious as medical laws. Abortion is murder in the same way that curing a virus is murder. Or removing a tapeworm, as previously stated. A foetus is undeveloped...
Bullshit. Just plain old bullshit. Justine cried, Julia cried - crying is completely irrelevant to the dishes that they make and the vision that they have.
Julie may not be built for a commercial kitchen, but that's not all there is to cooking. I reckon, though she probably won't win...
I hope Julie wins... but sadly I think she'll be the one who goes tonight. If she does, Poh better win, as Chris is an up-himself annoying bastard. Who is always wearing that stupid bloody hat.
Clary Fray... to me it seems gentle like the flapping wings of a butterfly. Which is revolting seeing what a horrible character she is.
About the author writing HP fanfiction, that's quite interesting. Who knows where she might have got her ideas from?
I'm currently (and regrettably) reading a book called City of Bones. I don't know if any of you have heard of it, or actually read it for that matter, but I'm finding it horribly unoriginal and frustrating. It's the first book of a trilogy by Cassandra Clare called 'The Mortal Intruments'...
It's probably one of the best books I've ever read. Although I enjoyed Looking For Alibrandi and Saving Francesca, this one seemed to have so much more depth and mystery about it. The characters, though at times a little unrealistic, were really funny and interesting. I absolutely loved it, and...
Recently I just got my year 9 report, and I was wondering if teachers have to say something that the student must improve on? See, a lot of my teachers said that I had to study more and review the notes from class. And then my sister told me they have to say something to improve on, and that's...