I'm after good textbooks/study guides for the 3 following subjects:
1. Biology eg. In Focus (anyone selling?)
2. Geography (any ideas?)
3. Society and Culture (as updated as possible please)
Feel Free to suggest or comment in relation to the above. Thankyou.
lol did this question actually get answered? pyschology can on its own require an ATAR of over 90 i think. with arts its much lower. feel free to respond differently
what were your HSC/equilavent subjects? look at how well u did in them individually, and balance this with how much you enjoyed them individually. then look at everything collectively..... does this help?
im a guy and i do society and culture. its true that overall more girls do it but thats really just a personal preference subject and not really based on gender. but i see why more girls do it than guys.
its probaly even more female-dominated in CAFS, which in my opinion isn't as academic or...
any thoughts on study textbooks on senior geography and society & culture.
i dont think there is a prelim study guide for geography? and good UPDATED texts for society and culture would be nice. :P
National curriculum to affect hsc 2011????
is the implementation of the national curriculum in 2011 (english, maths, science, history) going to affect the senior years of year 11 and 12 and most importantly the HSC??? what will the board of studies nsw be responsible after this...
yeah general is the worst as its too easy ppl make silly mistakes
maths 2U is a good middle ground
extension is not for the light-hearted, quite suicidal
Hey, ill probz be getting textbooks over the holidays in time for Term 2 Year 11.
English won't be necessary. :cool:
But I'm desperate for a proper modern 2u advanced maths texbook. The school has given us this crappy 20 year old copy. I've heard cambridge is good. Any others? :jedi...