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  1. proletariat

    this is miraj :D sadly I hadn't given you my name previously so you probably have no idea what...

    this is miraj :D sadly I hadn't given you my name previously so you probably have no idea what im talking aboutt :P your real names sadidah right? XD
  2. proletariat

    lol my favourite choclate is actually gummy bears :D but its not a choclate T_T My names miraj...

    lol my favourite choclate is actually gummy bears :D but its not a choclate T_T My names miraj :D whats yours
  3. proletariat

    Whats 'hot' for you?

  4. proletariat

    Do you masturbate?

    get it out of your system before year 12 otherwise you wont get past the half yearlies :uhoh:
  5. proletariat

    yeah :) I love mars its my favourite choclate :P arhghghghghgghhh :( I still havent started...

    yeah :) I love mars its my favourite choclate :P arhghghghghgghhh :( I still havent started that feature article :p so far that means 12% -> 6% -> 3% of my extension 1 english goen :(
  6. proletariat

    how is sadidadadadah :) guess what :P im going to fail extension 1 english bahaha XD

    how is sadidadadadah :) guess what :P im going to fail extension 1 english bahaha XD
  7. proletariat

    no mars is freezing dummy :P i wore layers though so i wuz orite :P lool i have a feature...

    no mars is freezing dummy :P i wore layers though so i wuz orite :P lool i have a feature article test thingo in 3 days and i havent started .__.
  8. proletariat

    really? :) awww well ive been on mars (hmph)

    really? :) awww well ive been on mars (hmph)
  9. proletariat

    duh just stand on the atlas (:

    duh just stand on the atlas (:
  10. proletariat

    going down there...

    meli dump him and say that the sex was horrible. let his ego die :D id swallow; kiss straight after (duh its just microscopic me's); no idea, ex never gave me head bahaha; - ; umm enjoy the meal? :D on a side note :S is it supposed to remind you of subway?
  11. proletariat

    What's your sexuality.

    Re: Who's Gay, or thinks about it? all the asians call me wanker in asian talk at school because i was acting like i was giving it to the sausage roll ;) Who needs a wanker?
  12. proletariat

    nah im on mount everest (: you should come here sometime

    nah im on mount everest (: you should come here sometime
  13. proletariat

    LOL :P well your blog entries are interesting :P and also something I can relate to to an extent...

    LOL :P well your blog entries are interesting :P and also something I can relate to to an extent :P I'm nepali :D Country-neighbours :P
  14. proletariat

    how many pages are your summaries

    My Communications summary was.... 10 pages typed. No one understands my summaries either :/ I can easily fill out a 192 page book in a term for any subject because I dont use those stupid lined books. Grid books = freedom weweweweweweweweweweweweweweeeee
  15. proletariat

    Yeah :P I shouldnt be on BoS though :( I have a half yearly chem tomorrow, maths the day after...

    Yeah :P I shouldnt be on BoS though :( I have a half yearly chem tomorrow, maths the day after and in a few more days another english T_T its just so hard to get off it :P Ooh, thats right. I'm planning to go science + arts degree because philosophy is just so darn attractive <3 nono :P beauty...
  16. proletariat

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    They target the guys that know how to work the game* I can only get the console up and running, the game always crashes for me :(
  17. proletariat

    dont want to be mean to the people that like the word association game :S you do english in...

    dont want to be mean to the people that like the word association game :S you do english in arts? :O I thought it was like... drawing :S yeah msn is way too easy >.> you can facade your way through it XDD my problem irl is mostly with girls >.> I LOVEEEE eyes and everyone has beautiful eyes...
  18. proletariat

    Matter, atoms, etc

    I would say physics which looks even beyond just atoms. B.Sc. Physics?
  19. proletariat

    long distance relationships

    All of my old ones have been long distance, or very much like it because of certain complications :/ Though atm i might be able to see her every week or so if it works out lol they really dont work :/ You tend to evade many problems simply because you can and it ends horribly