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  1. proletariat

    A degree from What I like, Or what will benefit me?

    I understood what he meant :P hence the talk about all of those interesting concepts of bio / phys (: adding onto it, There are certain degrees that can do both (and take little time at uni). For example (i was talking to my chem teacher about this just the day before), geology, nuclear bio...
  2. proletariat

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    I had bio today. I KNEW there would be a prac question on xylem system (the celery + dye question), but I still didnt study it =.= Same goes for the function of kidney's cortex, medulla, pelvis and urator. Add that i forgot to draw a diagram of a light microscope, and im not sure if i linked...
  3. proletariat

    lol nah I think being short is cool, well, atleast for guys. It narrows down the amount of...

    lol nah I think being short is cool, well, atleast for guys. It narrows down the amount of compatible women and frankly its way easier knowing certain women are completely out of your league XD aww i havent had a birthday in like 5 years :P
  4. proletariat

    LOL i think youre taller than me XDDD I'm like 160-170, cant remember (: lol did your parents...

    LOL i think youre taller than me XDDD I'm like 160-170, cant remember (: lol did your parents want to give you a "18th birthday" with heaps and heaps of people before realising you're actually turning 17? OOH YAY ARIES PEOPLES <3 edit: LOL i posted this on my profile by mistake
  5. proletariat

    oh really? ... crap... :( sorry for stalking you Liza, I know youve got two siblings and even...

    oh really? ... crap... :( sorry for stalking you Liza, I know youve got two siblings and even your school O_O lol you're small? :D like an elf or a blood cell to lymphocyte woooo (: yes im studying bio howd u know lol ahhh my bdays coming up in 4days and im not doing anything for it because...
  6. proletariat

    Stupid police bastards kill four people in high speed chase.

    nah they should have a better system for car chases, like NFS style road blocks and stuff :D Then, if the guy's been running for more than 1 hour, they get the copters on him
  7. proletariat

    haha yeah lol yeah i knew (: stalkering is fun hows your life going?:P killed it off for hsc...

    haha yeah lol yeah i knew (: stalkering is fun hows your life going?:P killed it off for hsc yet?
  8. proletariat


    im thinking about monkeys for some reason o.o monkey big butts :S
  9. proletariat

    my guy friend doesnt like me because he has a new girlfriend :( i hate life

    LOL :argue: emoticons will never be the same maybe you're just imagining it? ooh maybe youre jealous because you secretly like him and now hes going out with someone else? :/ wait, ignore that, i know nothing about girls :dog:
  10. proletariat

    CO2 soft drink prac

    We conducted the CO2 soft drink equilib by adding x amount of salt and measuring the difference. Heat it till all bubbles go away, then gently shake it clock/counter-clockwise, if more bubbles come, you know what to do
  11. proletariat

    I cant change my avatar or profile pic

    less than 100x100 px or 97.7 kB means its got to fit BOTH of them, yeah i know its kinda unclear
  12. proletariat

    because it was on the same timeslot as biology :( and back then i wanted to do... ew...

    because it was on the same timeslot as biology :( and back then i wanted to do... ew... medicine lol I go to james cook :D what hilly hcsool do you go to :P
  13. proletariat

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    LOL hey thaer :P lucky betch i got one more english >: (
  14. proletariat

    A degree from What I like, Or what will benefit me?

    American Beauty - Lester Burnham. You may want to try out science fields if those are your interests... I was in a similar position to you... once upon a time long long ago and I decided that I cant work in any field except english / science. Currently looking at med / biotech / something...
  15. proletariat

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    Yeah we have basically paper 1 :'(
  16. proletariat

    haha :P yeah oh well its just this week that ive gotta be crazy. cool (: I wanted to do eco...

    haha :P yeah oh well its just this week that ive gotta be crazy. cool (: I wanted to do eco but they didnt let me :( my subjects are 4u english, chem, bio, maths 2u. i should get to typing up this essay... >.>
  17. proletariat

    haha yeah :P sleeping in 40 minutes for 4 hours then getting up to study lol. Thanks (; im in...

    haha yeah :P sleeping in 40 minutes for 4 hours then getting up to study lol. Thanks (; im in year 12; what year are you in? what subjects? :D
  18. proletariat

    Girl Image issues, and what to say.

    That'd be a step up. Girls are humanoid magic-8-balls
  19. proletariat

    im allright >.< Trying to prepare for my english exam tomorrow im stuffedd ;_; Ooh and...

    im allright >.< Trying to prepare for my english exam tomorrow im stuffedd ;_; Ooh and listening to Red Light on repeat ;)