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  1. F

    future challenges for australia

    Reconciliation is when people come to terms with the injustices of the past to live together in harmony. So we as Australians focus on what is happening with the Aboriginals. Examples include Sorry Day. Remembering what it is will easily allow you to ramble if needs be. You can tie asylum...
  2. F

    future challenges for australia

    Ecological sustainability is a part of Future challenges for Australia within the topic of population. As well as population, we have also looked at Human rights and reconciliation, although we have only touched on this topic because the teacher believes that we have looked at in in History...
  3. F

    School cert in pencil

    wow you went to a strict primary school, I was encouraged from after doing the BST in year three to use pen on everything and we complained that we had to use pencil in the year five BST
  4. F

    School cert in pencil

    I have been told you have to use pen on everything except diagrams The markers probably appreciate lead pencil as much as poor handwriting. I don't understand why you would want to use pencil, it is not like you will in two years for your HSC so why get into a habit of doing tests in pencil?
  5. F

    Do i still have hope? (maths fail=predicted band 4)...

    even though we are suggesting he get a tutor because he doesnt think that he will cope with ext.1....
  6. F

    Do i still have hope? (maths fail=predicted band 4)...

    they believe if you need tutoring in a course then you are not capable of the amount of intellect needed. and my mother hates the extension two english tutors... I will probably need a tutor for extension maths anyway.
  7. F

    Do i still have hope? (maths fail=predicted band 4)...

    Because my parents are teachers and believe that tutors infiltrate the system.
  8. F

    School Certificate Science MARATHON

    everything from year nine and ten
  9. F

    Fake SC Formula

    Well if i get a band one, it shall be a high band one. this will be my only prediction
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    Do i still have hope? (maths fail=predicted band 4)...

    tutoring would probably help, although I personally am not allowed to be tutored if you're 'failing'(although i do not consider a band 4 failure) what is your motive to do ext.1 maths?
  11. F

    online computing exam

    the computer test is lol 'what button do you press to play'
  12. F

    Is it just me or is everyone is freaking out for SC

    The Board of Studies Guide to the 2009 School Certificate that was handed out to every year ten student on page 11 says the computer test is from Wednesday to Friday, as the school will advise of the exact time for the test. I cannot wait until that Friday though
  13. F

    Is it just me or is everyone is freaking out for SC

    english and science are on the monday maths and aug,auh are on tuesday at our school we're doing computers on the friday but it can be either wednesday thursday or friday i am a little bit worried about history....
  14. F

    Trial SC Discussion Thread - 2009

    my school did the english s.c. from last year. apparently it was easy as, although I have missed out on it
  15. F

    English multiple choice techniques???

    ahaha skim reading does lead to mistakes I would suggest reading the entirety of the passages, as I did not in my trial and I did not go very well.
  16. F

    Subject Selection Help please

    there is an extension history HSC test although there is a project in it too why would you need to be good at art to do an english project? if doing art harbours your creative side then i suppose so, I'm planning on doing ext.2 but I'm not doing anything really creative apart from english...
  17. F

    What have you eaten today?

    a wholemeal crumpet with peanut butter, pear, tomato, salad, forme yoghurt, grilled chicken, risotto, garlic bread that tasted like crap made from weight watchers margarine, skinny cow ice cream, apple, watermelon. lol
  18. F

    2009 SC Marathon

    lol,, 5+x=4x-1 give an example or tautology in a sentence
  19. F

    2009 SC Marathon

    it must be written as AusAID and it's only a pitiful 3 billion Trapezium is h/2(a+b) where h is the height and a and b are the parallel sides. Question Georgia won $1500 and decides to invest it for 5 years. She has two options Option A 6% p.a. compounded annually Option B 7% p.a. simple...
  20. F

    2009 SC Marathon

    Ah Sir.John Kerr did sack Whitlam. A parallel circuit has many paths for the current to move along. If one item in the circuit is broken, this does not affect the other items. In a series the current flows through every item in the circuit, and if one item is broken the circuit is broken, thus...