the embarrassment of slightly studying for the school certificate for things like history and geography where you need subject knowledge does not even come close to the embarrassment of getting a band four.
Oh and in english we had to write a speech directed to the local lions club about why exchange students should come to Australia.
I think that the s.c. has two extended responses, my english faculty was pretty lax
1)Analyse Australia's changing migration pattern post '45
2)Either Describe
a)An Aboriginal policy and its effect on Aboriginal persons
b)The plight of the pacifist in the Vietnam War era
3)I am unaware of the wording, although it was about Australia's social and cultural history...
don't ask questions if you're going to dismiss them then.
No i do not speak to my Curriculum Coordinator as she would suggest me doing some dumb subject such as hospitality as it may 'help me get a job'
Look at the University of Sydney's science booklet and you will see it says chemistry plus...
isn't it a bit late to be contemplating subjects anyway?
i believe that if you're going to go towards anything science based, you should have chemistry
it is the 'core' science.
perhaps if you're aiming towards physio you do not need to do hosp.
I believe that this is a rumor, although i wouldn't dismiss it due to the government's new regulations of being in education until 17 and the hand out of the laptops in their 'Education Revolution'
formula sheets for 5.1 maths
i didnt know that we got formula sheets because i dont care
like you shouldn't
go on the m.c. questions on the board of studies if you still question people's opinions on how the s.c. is a joke. you will see the light.
Females are half of your equation of what makes a relationship.
And I do believe this is about girls.
I was implying that you have no idea, not that females do not
you're doing a fine job of proving that girls really are crap by saying that we are vain and stupid.
You and three other people that need closure by being in a relationship do not make a majority
Oscar, I love you and I know that you love me
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Do these words not mean anything??
two wholemeal crumpets with extra light philli and honey
apple and cinnamon le rice
whole tomato
body wise muesli bar
salad with baby spinach one cucumber one capsicum and cherry tomatoes
the only worse predicament i can think of with me is having my parents teaching at my school, the people at my school with parents are heavily ostracized
another think i forgot to mention was the pressure to excel in their chosen field, and my father was quite upset when I did not go for any...