yes by double extension english i mean 2U extension english next year. i want to write a story strongly influenced by the drama movement known as the theatre of the absurd, and that is influenced in turn by the theatre of cruelty (so fun to perform) and existentialist philosphy.
er, whoops...
so how have you gone with this nightmare? the only way i could describe my mindstate now is, do you know that feeling when you wake up from a bad dream and realise it wasn't real? How you're still completely on edge but extremely relieved and thinking positively?
maybe that's just because i...
if there's one thing i can't stand it's when i'm reading a book and i reach the words "and then [I/She/He] woke up". grr.
we've been warned through our chain of schools that's way too overdone. and the same thing goes with cliches; they're cliches for a reason. i want something completely...
lets just say two physically and sociologically identical women are going for a job. lets make them sisters, identical twins, the sort who dress, speak and think the same because they have never been seperated through their childhood. they did all the same uni courses, but one passed with...
okay guys, here's an update on both the subject forms i handed in and how i feel i went in my exams
i got accepted into double extension english. woo! sounds like a bludge. with 14 units i can leave both maths and drama out. i wanted to cry during the maths test. i only answered half of it...
our school always notices obvious trends such as a large group of students moving up to 2u religion in term 3, a larger group moving down at the start of yr 12, most of the sciences collapse in yr 12, along with ext. classes, so we were warned not to leave changes too close to exams luckily for...
wow. that is such a sophisticated idea! i hope it works out for you because that sounds very intelligent. people at my school are just thinking "creative story" or "poem", so just an interesting story. i like going beyond basic :)
i would love to help someone out with acting. i do drama...
what!!!! i have been asked to go back to my last high school (our feeder school) to convince year 10s to choose ext. english, and one of the arguments we were given is that it scales really good! aargh, i thought it could get me out of my drama-doesn't-scale-well hole i dug myself into too!'s too late to sit the ext. english exam for you isn't it? i believe doing the yearly exam is enough becuase a lot of extension english and 1u religion students in my class sat the 2u religion test in order to say they met the 2u course requirements
it's not uncommon for advanced students to beat extension students. most schools don't allow moving up in any subject but with scores like that i'd definately try. the worst they can do is say no, right?
yes i did draw it. i'm no good at all the other practical stuff we had to do in art, so i dropped it as soon as i could. i hated drawing landscapes or dot paintings or sculptures. if it was just drawing objects, animals and people i would love to do art. i am interested in art movements and...
the thing is, i actually like working my arse off on drama. it's my hobby. and drama doesn't need hard work, just time. if only my group was as motivated as i am :( i am so worried about our performance.
i have to work my arse off for maths to catch up anyway. if i end up getting some work in...
the camera work couldn't get much shittier but i saw it in a packed cinema and there were no crowds flocking to the exit. i loved it. i just wish they could have used a steadycam.
the storyline is so clever. this is what we really do to illegal immigrants or "aliens": we give them names like...
a challenge on our year 10 retreat during the trivia night was a race to eat one dry weet bix without using your hands. once the winner finished everyone started spitting it out again. weet bix is horrible dry but okay with milk and fruit like everyone is saying.
up until a couple of years ago, the last thing my mum would say as she walked out the door leaving me at a friend's house for the night is "feel free to hit her." and i've always thought it was lol. i got hit on the bum a few times, and the occasional wooden spoon, but usually my sister tried...
whenever my drama school puts on a production in town our choices are a crappy fish and chip shop if we finish on time and run, or subway. my friend and i go halves in a foot long chicken fillet on herb bread with everything except onion and cheese and i don't know what sauce she picks.
anything i can get my hands on that's chocolatey. crushed choc biscuts, milo, choc chips/sprinkles, choclolate topping syrup stuff, chocolate lollies, get the picture
i'm not a chocoholic. i can stop any time i want.