social? this is australia, not america! if only our school wasn't worried about our 'spiritual wellbeing' (*gag*). we have liturgies for everything. sometimes its good we 'celebrate' religious days (like our school goes st dominic crazy on his feast day coz we're a dominican school) but...
well that isn't 14 units...its 12. our school's rules are that we must do 12 units (no more no less) for the preliminary year. my mums the sort that doesnt see any point to free periods so its 12 units for me all the way. thak god only twelve. must do at least four subjects. ive heard studies of...
going into year 11 next year and i have to pick my preliminary subjects of course. i want to go into uni and study science. im thinking i'd like to do medicine and for that ill need an exceptional UAI, but that means i have to be able to pull off my subjects real good. what does everyone...
14 units? our school only lets us do 12 and thats after they cancelled sport days (woohoo!!!!). its compulsory we fill all 12 units for preliminary year so we can switch but no dropping subjects outright :( im planning to do extension maths and english, chem, bio and 2U religion (coz rel's...
how come noone is suggesting anything artistic? ive told my friends once and ill tell everyone a thousand times there are more options than maths, science or humanities! our school cut drama so i did it out of school and i am considering doing drama because it is fun and no hard numbers or...
phone alarm at 7am
mum screaming at 7:05, up around 7:10
find yr 10 jersey and school shirt
burn some toast (would go cereal but have had bad luck with dairy expiry dates including milk and hate it dry), eat in dining room with mother complaining im old enough to make my own lunch and iron my...
can anyone tell me anything about the scaling or even some general advice and information about any of my subjects? unlike any of the spocks i call friends i picked subjects that i could flog them at:
maths advanced + extension
english advanced + extension
2U studies of...
regurgitating shit is good because you know exactly what to give the teachers. i hate creative writing tasks because the marking's completely opinionated ("subjective" my mother tells me). im doing extension english because i know my mum is good at it so she can help me get good marks, but add...
you would think it was the catholic schools that would go all out trying to seperate guys and girls but thats the least of our year co-ordinator's worries. his forbidden f word is formal, calling it a "dinner dance" to try and stop people going all out. come on! it makes us sound like country...