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  1. serendipityy

    PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! no more school certificate

    SMILE :D yehya well theres still computers but its overrr no more geography ever againnnn :D so how did you think you went overall B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6?
  2. serendipityy

    the asian who sucks at maths is now stressing for SC maths tmro morning

    thanks :) loll i hope you aced the hsc how did you think you went?
  3. serendipityy

    one last thread- one last good luck

    loll going now, crammed so much that i think i forgot everything :jaw: good luck to those who suck at maths like me and to those who ace the gay subject to those who own history/geo :) and those who dont and good luck to everyone who gave advice and shizzles (L)
  4. serendipityy

    SC- what did you do to kill time while waiting for the bell to go?

    man i love it when i forget i posted a thread when i though everyone weren't even interested in my question then i come back and theres 30 answerss :)
  5. serendipityy

    Does God exist?

    mm interesting
  6. serendipityy

    whens your formal and wheres it at?

    yeah my friend got asked to go to the kings one it was in the middle of winter and they went on a cruise she said it was the shittest formal evs aha um my formal is probs 100 without date not including ride but it includes all the essentials, pro dj, pro photographer and the extras...
  7. serendipityy

    the asian who sucks at maths is now stressing for SC maths tmro morning

    yeah i dont think i'll do well in the non calculator bit they always trick me :(
  8. serendipityy

    For straight women and gay men and bisexuals:

    defs whats on the inside; personality funnnny decent looking treats me well and buys me flowers lolll
  9. serendipityy

    lens question

    woo lets hope so :karate:
  10. serendipityy

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    is it your lucky black artline felt tip? what happens when it runs out? LOL
  11. serendipityy

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    mm not sure?
  12. serendipityy

    the asian who sucks at maths is now stressing for SC maths tmro morning

    well im trying loll its hurting my head plus i get all distracted when im on here :ninja:
  13. serendipityy

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    LOL well i would but i would have to pick out a wedgie way too much than usual aha and that mister g string would waste precious exam time :karate:
  14. serendipityy

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    sweet sounds very original
  15. serendipityy

    lens question

    so is energy and energy right?
  16. serendipityy

    dyou have any good luck charms for exams?

    LOL another way to take my mind off tmro so do you have any lucky charms? yepos
  17. serendipityy

    the asian who sucks at maths is now stressing for SC maths tmro morning

    shit i did too mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i hate maths
  18. serendipityy

    the asian who sucks at maths is now stressing for SC maths tmro morning

    breathe in and out breathe in and out breathe in and out no jokes i srs need to chillax but i cant ive been studying just history and geo and i totally forgot about maths
  19. serendipityy

    Favourite Quotes.

    At this moment, there are 6 billion, 4 hundred, 71 million, 8 hundred, 18 thousand, 6 hundred, 71 people in the world. Some are running scared.. some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day.. others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some...