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  1. serendipityy

    what questions did u stuff up

    i said for last question in science that dams take too damn long to construct and take space and money as an strategy i said we can all have rain water tanks loll
  2. serendipityy

    Bushranger Question SC English

    LOLLL um you know that bit something dignity something bear aha
  3. serendipityy

    Who found the SC Easy?

    lol what if you wrote "DNA gene" to make it longer :confused:
  4. serendipityy

    Bushranger Question SC English

    yeah i think that sounds about right all my friends say they wrote that man i dont know what i was talking about i said something like the contrast was the bushranger's apperance to the bear or something LOL
  5. serendipityy

    okay i know i said i was going but question? what do i bring tomorrow?

    nah it said to use black or blue pen and not pencil on the paper
  6. serendipityy

    Who found the SC Easy?

    LOL @ that question um i said gene or DNA but yeah english was way easier than science but wtf @ the water police and bushranger anyways science was major gay anyone agree?
  7. serendipityy

    okay i know i said i was going but question? what do i bring tomorrow?

    kz thanks errbody loll going for sure now one tree hill here i come
  8. serendipityy

    okay i know i said i was going but question? what do i bring tomorrow?

    mm a clear plastic sleeve? are we not allowed pencil cases? and another question do we have monitor peeps watching over us while we do it? loll
  9. serendipityy

    okay i know i said i was going but question? what do i bring tomorrow?

    yeah what equipment shizz do i need?
  10. serendipityy

    Good Luck Everyone

    going and good luck not going to sleep just going loll well everyones already said it but i havent lol so good luck to those who actually care for the school certificate and also to those who say they dont care but really deep inside do, just trying to act tough by saying they...
  11. serendipityy

    twilight series

    i've read all four :) + midnight sun draft and anything relating twilight (L)s edward cullen its defs one of the best series of books defs recommend it go buy it loll twilight obsseshh
  12. serendipityy

    LADIES: I need your dress sense and advice !

    yeah make your tie pink instead of your shirt white shirt, black shoes and grey pants sounds pretty good
  13. serendipityy

    Year 10 students - What subject will you be happy to finish!

    No More Geographyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Ch-yeah
  14. serendipityy

    LADIES: I need your dress sense and advice !

    i wouldnt go pink and grey maybe keep the colours around the black, white, grey and a coloured tie its the formal so i would go formally loll and defs black shoes
  15. serendipityy

    Most Loved, Hated and Boring Subject

    Love- Drama Hate- Maths Boring- Geo
  16. serendipityy

    when do you get to sign out after sc?

    chillax dudee if this is lame then why are you here? ha
  17. serendipityy

    whens your formal and wheres it at?

    lol my schools going all out for the formal we've got a pre-formal, formal, after party and an after after party no jokes LOL @ the formal commitee and pro photographer, pro dj, and every girl gets a rose security guard, lasers and all this shit
  18. serendipityy

    Go To Sleep !

    loll cant sleep early bad habit
  19. serendipityy

    SC. o to the mg its already 7:45

    like signing out .. but you're still coming back next year