HSC english is horrible. I am glad I never have to look at a novel and analyse it again. So many different texts were destroyed by that class.
13 years of education, and over the past 6yrs of learning english at high school, I still have no idea what an adjective/verb/noun is. Or those pre and...
I liked this part of the exam, only had trouble with the first part... couldn't remember an indentifying feature of a hominid. But, I did enjoy the last question, easily talked for about 5 pages on DNA hybrdisation/mitochondrial DNA/Karytope analysis :)
My maths teacher said he reckons that because there is a shortage of Maths teachers, they don't want a large influx of students in the coming years taking maths Ext 1 & 2/2U because there are not enough teachers to handle it.
I may not be able to handle it, but it all is in steps. If the University requests that I only have a HSC Mathematics Band 5 or above, then I think that they will have courses to facilitate that. Yes, they may be developing on concepts you were taught at a 4U level in the first/second year, but...
If you look at some of the pre-requisites, they only want a band 5 in Maths, or a E1 or 2 in Ext 1 for an engineering degree... I am doing Ext 1, and am looking towards Engineering.
Remember to take into account what the Uni you wish to attend/the courses you want to do pre-requisites etc...
I did no study up until about 2 weeks before each set of exams, and god, it was stressful...
START NOW! I advise just to do your notes after school, and try and summaries it as much as possible... one thing a teacher told me was as you COMPLETELY understand something (able to do past...